I'm getting so sensitive to fabric but my bra, or the pressure of my bra, is causing me a lot of trouble. I am not small wearing size 24-26 clothes and am long in the back, so body suits don't suit! I also need support and lift as I'm a DD. Thanks
Does anyone else have a problem with ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Does anyone else have a problem with wearing tight fitting clothes, especially a bra?

hi..yes bras drove me mad! I bought some of those "ah bras" type bras from tkmaxx the all in one pull over your head type...they are the most comfortable bra I have ever bought in my life!...they are supporting without being restricting..hope this helps xx plus pound world or pound land had them for £1 they were good as well ...softer material x
Hi pondminstrel I'm so envious, those bras sound fantastic but for me sadly, my shoulders have a habit of dislocating!.................... picture that in A&E
So.... 'then how did you manage to dislocate yr shoulder' with half a pull on bra being cut off probably LMAO hehehehe

Yes, that would not be a good look..! xx
Yes I have the same problem too, I cant wear underwired bras nowadays they are far too uncomfortable, I too am like you Sarah-Jane and need support and lift, I have been wearing ones that I got from M&S which are really comfy and give the support I need. Though I still go commando when Im at home!!
I can no longer wear underwire hurts far to much. Ive got two from m&s they okay but i find sports bras are better
I tend to go for the same ones as pond minstrel mentions. I am a 10-12 and I find them very comfy, much easier than the underwired ones which I have always hated,
Foggy x
Hi, I'm the same size as you, I bought two of the pull on bras from peacocks, I think they were around £5 each, I bought them a couple of sizes smaller and that way they are a bit tighter but they give a lot more support and lift, I'm a 42 G and I find these bras essential xxxxx
Hi I'm also a 42gcan you please tell me what size you bought in peacocks I've wasted so much money on the same bras I just don't know what size to get?? Xxxx
I do yes. On sensitive days I wear those sports/vest top bras. I've always worn jeans too but soft tracksuit bottoms are comfier.
I cannot stand wearing a bra for too long and avoid underwire like the plague. I am fortunate enough to not be too large that I can get away without sometimes. I use front fastening non wired bras I bought online. They are fine and much better than underwire, and easier on my shoulders for doing up.
I do use a sports bra for riding but getting it on and off is a bit of a nightmare due to the pain in my shoulders. I also tend to use loose fitting as that is less painful around the back and chest area, but even these can cause me trouble and end up being taken off in the afternoon. At home I rarely wear any bra unless have visitors.
ditto about being at home
Hey there sarah-jane
I haven't coped with underwires for over a decade since I sustained nasty seat belt injuries in a car accident, my under boobage was black and blue for a long time
I'm larger lady of 42E cup I think hehehe could be F Its been that long since I really wore proper bras and I find its impossible to find bras without underwires
Plus I go up a whole size during my period too to boot!!!
I'm so pleased I'm not alone in this and must ask if anyone, like me gets comments referring to Charlie Dimmock!!!??
All this info is fab as ive been struggling at work with my bra they dig in under my arms & rib cage something chronic. I take them of as soon as i get home .Im doing long shifts next week witch im dreading wearing my bra all day . So thanks to you all ill be on the look out for some of those soft bra's
I wear the ah bras and put them on over my feet and pull up therefore no achy shoulders trying to put them over your head. Hope this helps xx
I too have probs with normal bras, so I purchased some ahh bras and they are fantastic, so comfortable I have a painful shoulder so I step into mine and pull them up. Good luck and gentle hugsxx
interesting manoeuvre I wonder if I could do it that way? thankyou grandmakim and ilovecatsuk for giving me a new option I may have to give it a whirl.... tho unsure if I could get it over huge bottom LOLOL

Ditto!!! XX
my reply isnt meant to e cynical in any way, so please don't take it that way... i read the title only.... why on earth does anyone who had the amount of pain we do, choose to wear tight fitting clothes? is it just a fashion thing?
i know im overweight so some of my clothes no longer fit, i certainly wouldn't be choosing to wear them being tight.
i personally would live in PJs if i could
if i have misinterpreted this post i do apologise, but even someone without Fibro, ill fitting clothes must be a 'pain' ....... please dont shout at me if i got it wrong, pease just tell me calmly. my head is a pin this week after being the victim of cyber bullying xx((hugs))xx
Greetings Sarah-Jane
I gave up on bras over a year ago and leave my boobs to their own devices! I'm also a larger lady who should wear an e cup but you know something, no-one noticed, not even my mum and she notices everything.
I have a lot less pressure on my shoulders and suprisingly my back problems eased a little. My breasts don't hurt at all any more either. I always used to get measured and wear the right size bra but I'm so much better off not wearing one.
I sometimes wear support vests as I find them more confortable but very rarely.
Go free and let them swing.............
I tried the Aah bras, and, yes, they feel marvellous, but I'm a 46D, and the support was just no good. If my boobs were smaller they would have been perfect. I can't wear underwired either, why anyone would want to I don't know!! I wear Playtex cross your heart. They seem to be the best ones for me!! XXX :-))
Hi Sarah-Jane,
I wear the Belvia bras ( can be bought at Boots.. So does my sister and she has quite a bust. We both find them very comfortable, easy to get into, etc. I also bought some similar ones at T.J.Hughes, two for £8 ( if I remember correctly) and they are equally good.
Yep, I wear the soft Ah bras. Too painful to wear wired bras. I thought it was just me. Phew, I think I am all alone with this awful thing that has taken over my life....then I come on here to find out I am normal.............ish! lol
oh so glad its not only me and bras xxx i have trouble and feel uncomfortable i am big busted 40E so need support but have tried loads of diffent ones x
I'm a 40F but I'm gonna go up a size, when I finally have enough energy to go into town, that is. I get a lot of back pain and at the moment, I only put a bra on if I nip out to the shops. The same goes for shoes...I used to love my stilettos but I'm sometimes a bit wobbly when I walk. This illness has snatched 19 years of my life and the symptoms have got worse as I've got older...in spite of my GP thinking they would not.
Me too. Fortunately I'm not large chested (or unfortunately perhaps!) but I now only wear elasticated sports type bras with wide straps and soft fabric. Absolutely hate having tight bra straps on my shoulders! I have even found it painful to wear heavy necklaces around my neck and I gave up wearing my watch for six months when it was worst and lived in baggy trousers and tops! Sounds like most folk are the same. Could never ever wear stilettos!!!!

I'm the same as you with things round my neck. I trapped a nerve in my neck recently to add to it, and on Saturday eves I need to wear a necklace as I am a singer and have to posh up. I really get annoyed about this as when blokes get up and sing for money they often get away with jeans and teeshirt, yet us girls have to look glam, and that normally involves some sort of pain!
I am quite small, but bras are always very uncomfortable on the left side of my body, which is the part which is most affected. Also shoes hurt the front of my feet if I try to wear heels.
Thank you all so very much for your friendly support and help. I am a 42DD and should probably be a 44 as its getting tight. I am also a size 24/26 with troublesome shoulders, so pulling something up or over my head would be a problem. I have tried sports bras before and ended up keeping them to night support during my monthly. I will have a look at all of your suggestions however as things have changed a lot. How I will cope without an underwire I don't know as I have never found a better support. I hate saggy boobs as I get sore underneath or nipples poking through clothes as its too much. I also work in a school and I don't think teenage boys should be subjected to a 50+ saggy boobed woman with pointy nipples! Currently, with the support of my bra and longer hair, I can pass for a younger woman [not a lot, but enough]. I must say FM has aged me - grey hair and lines! Back to the bra. Thanks for your help and I am pleased my question has also brought this to light for others! 30 replies is amazing! Shoes and socks - that's another question! And problem :o(
I found a pad that fits under where the bra wire sits, and absorbs any moisture and pads out the wire a bit. It is synthetic however, and whilst it wicks a way the moisture, it does get warm. I think it is call a "wick-em".
However I have found that by wearing a cup sightly on the smaller side with a bra extender at the back it stops the wire sticking in the ribs under the arm. It sits a little forward on the boob, which I have been told can damage the breast tissue, but as a big lady, I know I have a good padding of flesh at that point, so I am ok. The extender at the back of the bra can cause the straps to fall off the arms, but have accounted for that with a "halterneck" adaptor strap on the back.
Also I mark the side of my boob with a biro/felt tip where the more comfortable bra's wires sit before going out to buy a new bra. This works well.
Hope this helps XG
And I thought it was only me......I have had so many probs putting these boulder holders on.....I have gone for soft non wired bras but when I want to show my cleavage I have 1 that does it...I am too not sure on my size...somewhere between 40dd and 46ee, not been measured for years, I am dieting to see if thats helps my fibro but no change yet...I shall be however trying those softer pull-ons and love the idea of pulling them up....Being on the large size does mean bigger boobs and as I work I have to keep them contained, like wise my nipples would be standing on ceremony too..xxx...Will let you know what I find..x
Thank you for posting this - what a relief to know I am not alone. I have increasingly found wearing my normal bras more and more uncomfortable and cannot wait until I can get them off. Unfortunately my 19 year old stepson has just moved in with us so not wearing one when not at work is no longer an option as it would be too awful for both of us for me to go round the house braless ( and not too pretty for anyone else either)! Has any tried genie bras? They look good but I would like to know a bit more before I buy if possible. Thanks in advance. Linda
Okay I have placed a couple of orders for some bras. I will let you know how it goes! One is a non wired, long line bra! That will be the most interesting. Certainly the most expensive! The Ahh Bra did not convince me my nipples wouldn't show or my wrap around boobs will go back to being out front! Sorry, awful picture, but the wrong fitting makes you look awful!
yes! i do i hate them now i only wear one if i have to go out or if someones coming round.i got some of those so called comfy ones that yr meant to put over yr head but i step into mine.even tho i bought a bigger size for comfort theyre still not comfy enough & seem to tighten after ive eaten.sorry to go on but i thought it was just me x
It seems we are not alone. I am so pleased I posted this question as it seems to have been on many people's minds, and now we all know we are not alone. It makes a lot of difference to me and maybe to others to know that. I am trying a new bra from Marks n Sparks, no wire, and so far its okay. However I also tried some long line bras and although they gave the desired effect the pressure on the skin was too much.
The areas are spreading and vary from time to time, both in intensity and whereabouts. I do find a gentle brushing over the spot with my hand can disperse the feeling, sometimes. So give that a try.
Soft, downy, hugs
Hi Bluebell I am in the same situation although I wear a 46DD and if I am lucky I find a good bra from M&S I wear underwires always have.
I tried the pull on ones but as you say they are no good under the arms too cut away.
So if I want a good fit I find a independent bra shop is the best though very expensive and although terribly important I cannot justify the extra money. Looking forward to everyones comments.
I am hypersensitive to anything touching my lowback jeans anything even loose fitting any rubbing. Winter freaks me out i rather wear dresses with no cinching at waist line. skin is hyper sensitive. bras are a nother problem as well but not so much as aforementioned. good question
This must make life very difficult for you, as what I am experiencing is not very nice. It seems to be spreading, did it start in one place and spread for you?
I have trouble wearing a bra now , I find it makes me feel like it's crushing me, and my skin on shoulders sore even tho there's nothing there, drives me crazy x