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Fertility Network UK

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All posts for January 2020

Hydrosalpinx after myomectomy

So so bumped to find that I know have been diagnosed with hydrosalpinx on both t...
Tumblebee profile image

Info on embryo donors

Hi To all you ladies that have opted for going with donnors (sperm, eggs, or emb...
Crista240411 profile image

Which Vitamins and supplements do you recommend during IVF?

Hi, I am have been injecting suprecur (buserelin) for the last 2 weeks and takin...
Nix321 profile image
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I feel so lonely right now

After my miscarriage in September I left my job. I was a Nursery School Manager,...
FrancyItaly profile image

FET cycle questions - think my body has gone haywire!

Hello, looking for some advice please on FET cycle. I went in on day 3 of my cyc...
lmno profile image

First time rounder IVF

First time rounder IVF. First time on this road. Unexplained infertility. 35yrs...
Genabella profile image

Would anyone recommend the book it started with an egg?

Hi I saw in another post someone mentioned the book, it started with an egg, has...
Nix321 profile image

Impryl feedback for male infertility

So wellman did nothing for my husbands sperm so we have switched to impryl. It ...
Melrey profile image

Acupuncture for male infertility- dna fragmentation

Hi all After another failed cycle we are going into this year prepared to try an...
Melrey profile image

Confused by AMH result... Increased??

Last jan/Feb my AMH was 45.2 according to my clinic. Just bought an at home tes...
Jessy1280 profile image


This might be a long shot but has anyone been prescribed Lubion and had to sourc...
Kinney1 profile image

Sensitive post ....

Hi all, Just wanted to update you and I have to say I’m crying tears (happy one...
Emma04 profile image

'Batching' for low AMH

Hi, I have endo and low amh (4pmol). I'm 33. My endo doctor who is also a ferti...
Mj1986 profile image

Carry on as normal or relax after FET?

Hi everyone, Due to have my FET soon and just wanted to know what I can do to t...
Littlepeax profile image

Egg Collection day!

So I had my egg collection today! I got 10 eggs that are all snug in the incubat...
J3nna profile image

NK Cells Treatment

Has anyone had treatment for high levels of NK cells? Mine have come back high v...
C_C_H profile image


My names Kate I’m 43,single & want to be a mummy😊 I started my journey May 201...

High FSH low AMH

Hi all, I'm 39 and have high FSH and low AMH 😢 is there any chance of me becomi...
Yoc123 profile image

IUI first timer - Gonal f injections

Hi everyone, i'm new to this site and have just started my first round of IUI af...
Emmahall37 profile image

Given the go-ahead!

Our fertility clinic called back and said they are happy with the hysteroscopy r...
ttcemmie profile image

FET after MMC - Anxious, excited and a bit terrified

My frozen embryo transfer is due to tomorrow and I’m finding myself back on this...
MrsH86 profile image

First cycle

Morning all, just wondering what the percentage is for the first cycle of IVF wo...

Infertility is the thief of joy :(

Today my best friend at work goes off for maternity leave. Not only did she conc...
KDA0510 profile image

FET- Day 3 of 2ww- bad cramps, lower back pain, is this normal?

Hi there, On Tuesday I had a FET- Day 5 blastocyst. Currently on the awful 2ww,...
Sweetie123 profile image

Trying naturally after failed IVF/ICSI anyone had success?

Hi 😊 We have decided to try naturally. I have an appointment at the clinic to ...
MrsH17 profile image

Freezing Eggs journey

Can anyone recommend a clinic in London to have eggs frozen. Any experiences are...
Saira134 profile image

FET done..... Nothing we haven't done and now we wait for God to do the rest

We finally had FET yesterday & When I say we did all things in this cycle I mean...
Stacia profile image

Suprecur as trigger?

Following my consultation with the founder of my clinic, I'm going to be doing a...
Jessy1280 profile image

Long IVF Protocol

Hi ladies, I was on a short protocol for my first ivf cycle and my embryo didn...
Hidden profile image

Endo scratch with FET any successful story?

Hello lovely ladies just wondering if any of u had successfully outcome using en...