Help!! I have just joined & not sure ... - Fertility Network UK
Help!! I have just joined & not sure what the abbreviations are? Also does anyone else stay in Scotland & are being affected by the rules?

Its all a bit of a minefield isn't it?! its taken me some time to get used to all of the abbreviations on a number of infertility sites and I'm just about there - are there any specific ones you've seen a lot and want to know what they stand for? Some sites actually have a whole list of what it all means but not seen one on here
Sorry I can't help with the Scottish rules
Hi weemom,
Below is the scary list of the abbreviations borrowed from another fertility site. Hope this helps.
I am also Scotland. Which rules, if you don't mind me asking, is causing problems?
Hope you are well and hear from you soon. xx
2WW = 2 Week Wait (the nailbiting period between embryo transfer/ovulation/basting and pregnancy testing)
AF / Aunt Flo = Menstrual cycle
AFM = As for me
BFN / ^BFN^ = Big Fat Negative
BFP / ^BFP^ = Big Fat Positive
BMS = Baby Making Sex (see also DTD)
DE = Donor Egg
DFET = Donor Frozen Embryo Transfer
DH = Dear/Darling Husband
DP = Dear Partner
DPD / DPO = Days past transfer / days past ovulation
DTD = Did The Deed
DW = Dear Wife
DD = Dear Daughter
DS = Dear Son
DX = Diagnosis
D/R = Down Regulation
DPT or DPO = Days past transfer or Days past ovulation.
EC = Egg collection
ET = Embryo Transfer
FET = Frozen Embryo Transfer
FSH = Follicle Stimulating Hormone
HPT = Home Pregnancy Test.
IF = Infertility
M/C = Miscarriage
MF = Male Factor infertility
OPK = Ovulation Predictor kit
OTD = Official test day
Pee stick = Home Pregnancy Test
PG = Pregnant
PM = personal message
PUPO = Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise
SA = Semen Analysis
TTC = Trying To Conceive
TX = Treatment
Hi Tazza, thanks so much for your reply, that really helps me! There are new rules regarding weight & smoking-both partners have to be "smoke free" for at least 3 months (i have quit but my DH still smoking-he is trying to stop) & body mass index now must be 30 or less. I stopped smoking but have put on half a stone making my bmi 31. Where abouts in Scotland are you? we go to glasgow royal infirmary .
Hi weemom, We are under the care of Aberdeen. Firstly congrats on successfully stopping smoking I know how difficult it can be. Maybe DH can visit his doctor/pharmacy to get help with stopping smoking if he is struggling. It is quite common for people to put on weight when they stop smoking. How long do you have to wait before your appointment? Hopefully you will be able to loose that little bit to get under 30 bmi.
Wish you all the best and feel free to message me anytime. xxx
My advice on the dieting is to just remove all and any temptation from the house. Do not have biscuits, crisps, chocolate etc near you. That way if you're peckish you can only reach for the fruit! Its the only thing that works for me...
The other thing that works for me in dieting and also when I quit fags is to make a habit of questioning each time, i.e. stop for a moment and ask yourself "what do I want most, a baby or to smoke this particular cigarette/eat this cake?". I found it very motivating and also easier to take it one biscuit/cigarette at a time.
Yeah I from Scotland. If you mean the no longer three cycles only two then yes I been affected. After being on the list bout 18 of my 22 months wait, the new rules kicked in and I lost one cycle.

Tigger, have you had confirmation of this? We thought we would loose one but we were lucky enough to keep all three. Might be worth double checking.

A huge number of us in England only get one cycle unfortunately
We got a letter in early June telling us. I will ask when we get our appointments.
Have they given you any estimated dated for treatment? May I ask which clinic you are with?
Hi Tazza
Had first apt on Sat there for bloods etc. Given shed load of forms & leaflets to read & fill in. Back again next week when we will find out what our treatment programme gonna be. Feeling a lot less scared now though.
Hey Tazza
We are at GRI. Got first apt next wk for bloods etc. Read the info on ivf leaflet last night again & scared again. Lol

Hi weemon, I am the Scottish Branch Coordinator for Infertility Network, just let me know if I can be of any help. You have done amazing to stop smoking and should be able to get the BMI to 30. Has your partner tried the smoking cessation?