Had 5 day blastocyst transfer on 1.9.13 and got bfp on 12.9.13. Today had some spotting. Been told by drs it too early to scan but could be either left over from implantation or beginning of miscarriage. Got to wait for my 1st early scan on 1.10.13. Is it worth taking another pregnancy test?
Is it worth taking a test? - Fertility Network UK
Is it worth taking a test?

Congratulations on your BFP!
What colour was the spotting, did it look like old brown blood or fresh red blood? Has it stopped now? As the Dr said, it could simply be late implantation bleed, or leftover blood from something else.
Over the last year, I've read about so many ladies who've bled early on and gone on to have their babies, so please try to be positive, as worried as Im sure you are right now.
I'm sure its going to be a long few days for you, getting to your scan but as much as you can, try not to worry, rest up when you can and keep your brain occupied in whatever you enjoy!
Big hugs - stay in touch
Thanks for your response.
It's a dark brown, and quite thick and It stops and starts.
Trying very hard to stay positive.
Brown blood is usually a sign that its old, oxidised blood - so may well be as your Dr suggested, its just taken a while to get out of your system.Sounds like its just mixed in with your usual cervical mucus (sorry, too much I know!) so I really wouldn't worry.
Taking more tests I think is a waste of your money because even for those unlucky ladies, where something does go wrong, the pg hormones still stay in your body for some time. All it will make you do is over-analyse every single line and which one is darker than the other and you'll convince yourself all sorts of things if you're anything like me!
Just take a day at a time. I'd only maybe contact a professional again if the blood turns red, there is a lot of it and you are also in pain.
Take care of yourself

Hi. I agree with Treacle’s advice, to rest and keep occupied if you can. The small amount of blood/brown discharge you are experiencing, is probably due to old blood collecting overnight or when you rest, then leaking out when you get up or when you wipe yourself after going to the toilet. Remember that during your cycle of treatment there has been a lot of “clamping” and “puncturing” going on, which often results in this type of “old” blood coming away. Do keep up with your progesterone pessaries or cream if you have been prescribed it. Keeping everything crossed for you. Kind regards. Diane
Hi, I really hope your spotting was just implantation bleeding. I was just wondering how things worked out as I'm preparing to start my IVF. Big hugs.