hello people,
I recently discovered I have thyroiditis and very high positive antibodies to TPO. This is not my only self-immune issue as I also have a condition called 'neurogenic bladder', minor eczema, and minor seasonal allergies.
What is more, I have been having a low fever for the last 12 years (my temperature is always between 37 and 37.5) and no doctor has ever found out why. I have done lots of tests, all negative.
After my first failed FET transfer, I am starting to believe that my body won't let any embryo implant as it will treat it as an intruder. Or that constant low fever underlines a permanent infection that causes infertility.
has anybody here managed to give birth with thyroid problems and/or other self-immune issues?
I asked my doctor if next time I should be taking steroids but he said they won't do anything...
Any idea or advice is highly appreciated
Thank you and stay strong!