Evening all, hoping for some advice please!.
I have pcos and have had one cycle of letrozole so far to help. By day 18, my scan looked as though I had responded well and I had 2 follicles measuring at 19 so I had high hopes for this month. Unfortunately though I started having cramps about a week after ovulation, and so I took a pregnancy test (actually 2 tests) which were negative and k began what I believed to be my period a week on from the first cramps. however this period has been very different, I’ve barely bled, I had some bright pink blood (what o would probably call spotting honestly) then some brown blood but nothing more, I did though begin to take letrozole for the second time as I had believed my period was here.
I decided after a couple of days of letrozle to take another pregnancy test this evening because my bleeding has stopped entirely and just to clear my head as it was lying around, to my disbelief it was positive (a clearblue digital) 1-2 weeks stated. I had to take another to be sure, but the second said not pregnant and I feel so lost.
Is it that my positive test is only the letrozole I’ve taken causing levels to raise? Has anyone had a similar experience?
Please share, I don’t know how to think or feel. The joy at seeing “pregnant” only to see “not” an hour later has left me so confused.
thank you,