Was hoping someone may be able to give me some advice on a test result. Had to create a new profile as I had forgotten my previous one it’s been so long
I’m 7dp5dt of a PGS tested embryo. My official test day is this Sunday 11days post transfer. Ever since transfer day last Wednesday I’ve had period like cramps that have built and built. Monday they were very sharp, low down and dragging. I’ve had thigh pain also just like before a period arrives. Since Monday I have had spotting sometimes brown (apologies for TMI), stringy or even almost like a large black clot. My consultant said the pain could be from my adenomyosis flaring up (I used prostap leading up to the FET to suppress this and the endometriosis I have).
Today the spotting has turned a brighter pink/red on wiping so I thought stuff it, put myself out of my misery and test now. I got this result and I’m so confused. I always get stark white. 8 transfers from 4 cycles - always. I thought it may be an evap line. It’s a clear blue rapid detection test. Or possibly a faint line as our embryo has tried to stick but not managed it.
After so long of blank tests I guess I’m looking for advice from anyone who has more insight to me xxxx