Folks my consultant has said he has no issues with me taking predisolone during my fet if my urticaria and angieodema flares up but he won't prescribeme it solely for ivf as he doesn't believe it will make any difference. I told him I was going to ask my gp to prescribe them an he said that's fine but he wudnt b. I want to take them because of my autoimmune disorder so they will suppress my immune system incase that is the reason for 2 for ( immune system not recognising the embryos). any way I don't know what dosage to take and wen to start it. Can Anyone advise what they have taken an is it just from transfer. My gp thought 10mg.
Predisolone dosage: Folks my consultant... - Fertility Network UK
Predisolone dosage

I will be taking 10mg but I don’t have autoimmune issues. I was told this is a small dose especially that I’m quite tall. X
I’m taking prednisolone for my 3rd and last round of ivf. I’m taking them as I have sticky blood not that I understand what that actually means. I stated taking 10mg and 5 days before my embryo transplant the clinic upped my dose to 20mg. Maybe have a second consultation with a different consultant as some consultants are all about making money instead of helping. It’s better that your clinic prescribed the medicine then they know what you taking.
I take 20mg a day, and have been since 5 das before transfer x

Hi Littleflower. I feel that you need to speak to your specialist again and perhaps your embryologist too. As you have an auto-immune problem, my thoughts are that prednisolone might just help to dampen it down while going through treatment. Ask whether Clexane (heparin) would benefit you too to ensure a good blood flow to your womb lining and hopefully prevent any clotting. Obviously i wish you well with this, but you need to trust your specialist and I will keep my fingers crossed! Diane
Diane I mentioned clexane also and aspirin they were both shot down aswell, what annoys me is that he is is saying if my auto immune flares up he has no issues me taking it but says here is No evidence to suggest it helps for off so wedding prescribe it solely for fertility purposes
Hi. Well, you can only put the suggestions to him/her if not already discussed. I think your specialist is probably being fair, inasmuch as that he/she agrees to start the prednisolone if you have a flare up. Just going to have to have some trust I think. Diane
Is your clinic private or NHS? X
It's an nhs clinic but does private aswell and I am private
Yes, NHS clinic (even though you are self-funded) won’t really use drugs that don’t have enough evidence. I asked about aspirin during my 1st cycle with NHS and the consultant explained to me that they won’t be able to offer this to me and they have to follow a strict protocol on the NHS. Then I moved onto a private clinic and they give Clexane to everyone as a standard. Not sure what to advise, I guess you need to go with what they offer you and hopefully you will be ok without the extras but since you have autoimmune issues I understand why you are concerned. Best wishes x
Yeah I was thinking that, well I'm still going to take 10mg I think, I'm not wasting 2 more embryos just because he won't prescribe it. Don't get me wrong I am going to tell him and I don't think he will Mind he just won't prescribe it
Good for you pushing on for what you think i right. After reading the other responses if it was me id research to make sure it didn't do me any harm and take 20mg. Once you say to consultant you have it and are taking it with or without their providing it they may be willing to give you more guidance on when and how long for.
I took 10mg on both my cycles and I now have two little girls x
I started on 20mg for 4 days and then reduced to 10mg day before transfer and will stay on this now!xx
Wishing u so much luck this time, c u had your transfer today, how do u feel? Thanks I think I will take 10mg from before transfer am through 2ww tho I have left a msg for consultant to call me again.
I'm doing ok ta! All a bit surreal really! I don't have any major immune issues but was suspected for lupus so wanted to give it a shot & I've tried everything else. Worth a shot I reckon.xx