Hi, I have just completed my third egg retrieval. And collected a nice number of eggs and have ended up with 13 embryos biopsied and those cells from the 13 sent off for testing to see how many are genetically intact. Has anyone else done this and how many embryos came back pgt normal? Thanks x

It's a really stressful wait isn't it!! I struggled with that two weeks. TW for euploids: I sent 12 for testing, so similar to you, and four came back euploid, with eight aneuploid (no mosaics). I am 39, so while that's a lot of attrition, I think a third being euploid is probably not out of line with statistics (and I felt really grateful and lucky to have that four!). Wishing you lots and lots of luck 🩷
Thank you. I am just fearful that we are incapable of creating euploid embryos. As I had 4 transfers from a 7 embryo batch on second retrieval and none worked. The last 3 were thawed and then tested and either didn't survive the process or had chromosomes missing. I am at kings fertility for second and third attempt. So wondering if clinics have different protocols. Our 13 gone for testing this time before freezing. They were cultured over day 5,6 and 7. Did your clinic do a similar thing x
Yes, similar to what you're doing this time, biopsied before freezing, only difference is I didn't have any day 7s (5 and 6 only). I completely understand the fear, I was so worried about the same after (natural) losses. You have a really good number being sent, so there is certainly hope, but I know it's so stressful. Keep me posted!
Thank you will do!!! We got 3 that carried over to day 7. I have sort of already written those ones off in a way. But you never know!! Xx
I'm at King's too and 39 (for the next 3 weeks, anyway...!). Last April we had 8 eggs collected, 7 fertilised and 4 blasts (mix of day 5 and day 6). Of the 4 sent, 2 were euploid.
Although our numbers were low, 25% of eggs collected produced euploid embryos, and 50% of of embryos were euploid. that's a good results for my age.
I do have other complaints about the clinic, but I actually found the PGT-A bit really smooth and have a lot of faith in them for that.xx
Thank you. I agree the pgt process so far as been really good and I can tell when speaking to the embryologists we are speaking to such clever people so puts my mind at ease a little bit! There have defo been moments where I have thought that's not the best service we could have recieved but on the whole happy with Kings.
For example one or two of the receptionists are a bit blunt and impatient. And sometimes rude I would say. They don't seem to realise they could be talking to someone going through trauma because of an unhappy result. You would think they would know how to be more compassionate x
We managed to test 4, one day 5 grade c and three days 6 one grade a and two grade c. 2 came back normal, the day 5 grade c and the day 6 grade a.I was told at my age (39 on collection and testing) to expect 1 in 4 to be normal, so we were just above average, and over the moon to get 2 good ones.
Thank you, that does sound good. I am 34 currently. But just worry because we have had a number of failed transfers. Is it me or is it the fact we don't create many or any euploid embryos. Time will tell as it will be very telling with really 13 really good graded blastocysts going for testing.
We had transferred back 7 embryos over 5 transfers before we did testing. In that we had 2 negatives, 2 chemicals and a 9 week miscarriage. We won't ever know the reason for those failures or losses, but I feel much more confident going into the next stages with tested embryos, it increases the chances of success so much, I think it's definitely worth it, quality over quantity and all that! Good luck x
It's like you were explaining my history there as well. My 4 ended up in 3 chemicals and miscarriage. It was a blighted ovum. It's all very stressful but like you so glad we opted for the testing before freezing. So sorry for all you have been through too. Wishing you the best of luck as well. I will try and remember to state how many came back normal or not! Long 3 weeks it will be xx
Thank you!Yes definitely let us know how it goes! Mine came back in 10 days, I was told 3 weeks so freaked out that meant it was bad news, and then had to wait for an appointment for the clinic to tell us the results! All the waiting is the worst! Xx
I think i will throw up when I see the call come through. I dont like it when my phone rings normally but waiting for the calls from the clinic with updates is like nothing I have ever known lol! I will let you know. Thanks again for sharing your experiences. Gives me hope!!
hello, everyone is different really. We sent 4 and one came back normal. Then we sent 4 and none were normal. I’ve read that 1 in 4 is an average. So any more is a bonus xxx but some people get more than that xxx
As everyone says i think everyone is different and also different rounds seem to vary so much. From our first round I think we tested 6 and none were. Second round we tested 7 and 1 was. Then we did changed our protocol and went hard on supplements etc and did two back to back egg collections and tested 12 and 6 were. Good luck!
Thank you, wow such a difference. I am 34 currently. But just worry because we have had a number of failed transfers. Is it me or is it the fact we don't create many or any euploid embryos. Time will tell as it will be very telling with really 13 really good graded blastocysts going for testing. Painful 3 week wait this will be lol! X
If it helps you I am 39. It is such a long wait but feel happy at the moment that you have 13 highly graded blastocysts, this is such a good number to have tested and I'm sure you will get some lovely healthy embryos from this. Good luck and here if you want to chat x
hey, I’m 38 and got 5 that made it to Blastocyst and all 5 biopsied for PGTA, all 5 came back as normal euploid.
Good luck x
That's fantastic congrats. Was this the result of your first collection? Xx
No this was my third round of IVF using ICSI
1st round (short protocol) I got 6 eggs, 2 mature, 1 fertilised and 1 blast that failed at transfer
2nd round (long protocol with iCSI) I got 15 eggs 9 mature, 7 fertilised and 3 made it to blast. Transfer of 1 failed then transferred remaining 2 together which ended in mc at 7 weeks
3rd round (long protocol with iCSI) I got 18 eggs, 10 mature, 10 fertilised and 5 blast which we opted for PGTA due to the mc. And then all 5 normal. We transferred 1 and now currently 20 weeks pregnant with 4 left for future 💙🩷
That's amazing! Sounds like you have had a journey of it too! But so happy for you!! Thank you for taking the time to reply to me!! So helpful and reassuring to hear about other people's journeys. Infertility is just something else! I feel like I have more chance of winning the lottery at the moment! Xx
Thank you for sharing. It's so stressful! Xx
Thank you x
Hi lovely,
We had 9 sent for biopsy - 1 failed to thaw, 2 were discarded and 6 were euploid (I was 37 / 38 when they were created).
I had 5 failed transfers before that so I was positive that they would all come back aneuploid - but it turned out that it was my immune system causing the implantation failure so you might get a good number too xx
Thank you for sharing. How did you identify and then fix your immune system issue may I ask ? As also worried about this. Thank you xxx
After 5 failed transfers (no implantation at all) I randomly came across a podcast that said if you have familial auto immune issues then it could be a marker for immune issues for you (not auto immune).
Both my parents had psoriasis so I spoke to my consultant and asked her to do the immune panel testing (chicago bloods) - my natural killer cells came back high so the next transfer I took steroids too and it worked xx
Hi, I had 4 failed transfers over 2023/24 all high grade but not tested and was convinced I couldn't make euploid embryos. I did a 3rd collection (now age 38) sent 6 off and by some miracle 4 were normal! Doesn't explain my part failures but nice to know I could produce could embryos and the first of those stuck and I'm currently pregnant!
Hey! We sent off 12 embryos for testing. Of those, 3 came back 'abnormal' and 1 high mosaic. So we ended up with 7 euploids and 1 of those is now my 4 month old son! For reference, I was 32 with no fertility issues and my husband was 44 with a low sperm count. So you can get mostly euploids! Hope this helps and good luck x
Thank you! May I ask. Was this the result of your first egg retrieval? Xx
No, I had 4 failed embryo transfers and 1 chemical pregnancy prior to that collection (without PGT-A testing). I went to a new clinic and did extra testing (alice, emma and ERA testing). It was also discovered that I had an immune condition that needed treatment. My protocol was changed as well as doing PGT-A xxx
second round (none made it to blast in round 1) - we sent off two and both we aneuploid.
Third round we sent 5 and three came back euploid (one of these is a bit dodgy but it passed). Have transferred the best one so far and this didn’t take.