So on day 2 of stimming & suddenly thought shit am still taking my ubiquinol and pre-Natal. !?!
I get no advise from Clinic when to stop as they only recommend folic acid & vitamin d. In the book ‘it starts with an egg’ - author states ‘ Stop all supplements when you begin stimulation & ask dr if still ok to take your prenatal ‘. I am confused by this as also read online to keep going with ubiquinol right up to transfer as if can help with the lining & implantation. ( I think I have the first version of it starts with an egg as online this new info is from the ‘second version’). Confused as to what is best to do !?!
One cycle I took dhea /ubiquinol right up to egg recovery & had my worst cycle so I think I may have to stop just in case that affected my results. (Even though it was thought I had a very poor response to Menopur that cycle)
Yes my mind is in overdrive right now as so want my 6th & final attempt for a sibling for my miracle son to work 🤞🏼🙏🏻🍀
Obviously I don’t want to wonder if my results may have been different if I had stopped before thinking for peace of mind best to stop now. I know the eggs collected soon will be 3 months old so ubiquinol won’t help quality now but will it help with a successful transfer ?
Help ? 🙏🏻