I have been diagnosed with low ovarian reserve in december. ( 37 years, Amh= 0.1 and FSH =24 and AFC=7). I went throught a first long cycle with gonal 375 and got 3 eggs retrieved but without ICSI they didn't fertilized, started a second cycle this month with puregon 300 with antagonist, I just had one follicule growing very slowly and decided to stop the treatment as I thought that it didn't made sense to pay for egg collection with a medicated unique follicule. My long term plan is to now go through numerous MNC cycles with ICSI (up to 12). This message is a bit a message in a bottle to collect informed advice from women who have been through similar situation and are able to slightly anticipate the outcome or have any advice to improve it. I am not quite ready to give up but needs to advance in this difficult and long path as informed as possible. I took DHEA between the first and second cycle which didn't seems to help at all. My AFC plundered from 7 to 3 with testosterone level going high. I am worried that the next cycle will show no follicules at all! Is there a chance that the AFC improve? I have heard consultants saying that it comes and goes by waves??? I am still worried about drinking as little coffee as one cup every 3 days and half glass of wine every week, eating bread or any sweet food, plastic, perfumes, etc. But should I? I am taking many vitamines including ubiquinol and alpha lipoic acid, Vitamine C, D and E, omega 3, etc But should I? I have done well staying joyfull and optimistic about life and keeping an healthy level of energy and low stress but my blood circulation has been difficult to maintain throught the winter with cold hands and foot. Thanks for all your feedback! I need them at this hinge moment! Best. Clem