Hello everyone,
Yesterday was a really horrible day for me. I was just crying whole day as it was BFN.
The clinic was preparing for my body since Nov 2016 since my iron level was low, they started ferrous fumarate and it took 6 months to reach on level after 3 months suppression of my cycle. Still, finally, it didn't work.
I m writing here for your advice. Does anyone has had NHS experience with a second successful cycle? I m 38, have low egg reservoir, last time got only 3 from 5 follicles. From 3 eggs got one quality embryo which we used. SO nothing frozen.
I am afraid to start 2nd cycle, do they change any medication or protocol? would be really grateful if you share your experience on the second cycle, any improvement on a number of eggs, do they use any FDA approved medication to improve egg quality.
Shall I go for 2nd cycle? I am really sorry just have so many questions and I am so broken from yesterday. Are you of my age as well?
All the best to you all for your further journey and those who are on waiting list.