Dear all,
I get my Day 5 results today from my second ICSI cycle and I am petrified I will have no blastocysts again.
The doctor said if we get no blastocysts during this cycle, it is game over. It will be almost impossible for me to have my own child. He said it would indicate intrinsic abnormalities with my eggs.
I am really panicking. Breathless. Petrified. I am so scared.
I need to prepare myself for the worst, so can anyone give me hope?
Is it possible to have two cycles of ICSI with no embryos getting to blastocyst and still get pregnant with another cycle? Did anyone have success with Day 3 transfer after failing to get any blastocysts previously?
I have done everything possible. No alcohol, lots of supplements etc.
I am 35 (nearly 36), my partner is 32.
1st cycle: 14 eggs, 6 fertilised, 4 progressing well on Day 3 ( 6 - 8 cells) then none of them make it to Day 5. Nothing to transfer.
2nd cycle: 13 eggs, 7 fertilised, 5 progressing well ( 6 - 8 cells) on Day 3. No news yet on Day 5.
Thank you so much xx