Ayerveda herbs and progesterone... af... - Fertility Network UK

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Ayerveda herbs and progesterone... af is kinda late??

Pookymama profile image
β€’16 Replies

Hello all!

So, before starting my next round of IVF, I decided to try a herbal route that I recently discovered at a well-bring seminar called ayerveda; even if it puts me in optimal health for up-coming ivf then that's great and all I initially expected!

If you haven't heard of it, ayerveda is basically about eating and living right for your own constitutional type or "dosha" and taking herbs, practices for relaxation like massage, yoga, exercise and meditation to support your best health and balance. (There's a lot more to ayerveda but that'sthe "in a nutshell" version).

Anyhoo, I read up on it and decided to take herbal supplements Shatavari and ashwaganda that claim to help with female reproductive health and cycle, a herbal ayerveda oil which I've been rubbing into my tummy (to improve circulation along with regular application of heat), and taking triphala with aloe Vera juice to cleanse the system.

I've also been taking ubiquinol coq10, baby aspirin and pregnacare and have practiced yoga, dance workout, daily brisk walks and having fertility smoothies with maca etc.

Anyhoo, my cycle used to be 28 days, then for around 5 months it went to 26 days, then the last 3 months it was 24 days (queue early menopause terror!). Af is always painful, usually clotty (sorry, tmi) and in recent years accompanied by really tender breasts.

So last month, also known as 1 month into ayerveda my af came silently in that it was painless. No clots, fresh red blood (apparently good and better than before) and for 5 instead of the usual 3 days (also apparently good). Could the herbs be regulating my cycle as advertised?!

Then this month, tender breasts lasted a few days before af was due (on Tuesday, also known as day 24), and miraculously disappeared without the appearance of the dreaded af!! It is now day 26 of cycle and still no af or af signs...

Obviously wishing and praying that by some miracle I'm pregnant, on day 24 with the hope to sustain any implantation that might be occurring, I used a 400mg cyclogest pessary (left over from last ivf), at bed time and have done the same for 3 nights... still no af...

Of course every day is going by in slow mo, I'm praying for 2 lines on a stick by Saturday but am afraid that instead, one of these "down to earth with a bang" options are more likely:

Either A. the herbs are regulating my cycle to return to 28 days (yes, a pleasing result though let's face it, close but no cigar!)

B. I'm going into early menopause at 34 and my af is making its untimely exit (slightly dramatic but low ovarian reserve accepted)

Or C. The progesterone is delaying af... Though I rationalise that I was taking 1200mg of the stuff during ivf and still managed to spot, bleed and mc through it and am only taking a 400mg now...

Not sure if its related, but I have also felt incredibly overheated (I'm usually a freezer) and dizzy for around 10 days and sick for 3.

Trouble is, I only have 4 cyclogest left as they were leftovers. If I'm pregnant and that's sustaining it then I need more... would my GP prescribe it or can I get it sharpish without script?

Sorry for the Tolstoy-esque length of my post. Hopefully the ayerveda stuff might turn out to be helpful for you too. Xx 😊

Does anyone have any thoughts, experiences to share or a crystal ball to predict my outcome on this please? πŸ˜‚

I know it's only 2 days late but every second I'm not bleeding is filled with hope, ya know.

Thinking of you all with love and best wishes, as ever xxx

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16 Replies
AllWeNeedIsluv profile image

Oh wow, iv read up on this and took little bits out of it and added to my self made regime ashghwandha I used with a nice turmeric warm milk on a night my cycles we're already regular. I think maybe it's regulating your cycles but Also there is obvs a chance you could be pregnant, if you've been using the cycllogest and you are pregnant just explain to your gp that you've been using your panicking if you stop and they'll prescribe you some they did in my experience and I was using cream. Good luck hun, keep us updated πŸ’—πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Aw, thank you for your reply hun, good to hear from someone who's used some ayerveda herbs too!

Did you use a particular recipe for your milk?

Yeah, my rational brain is thinking the herbs are regulating my cycle but my "anything's possible" brain is dreaming of pregnancy! Gotta live in hope ey!

I'm seeing my GP tomorrow for something else so I'll come clean and ask her.

How's your pregnancy going lovely lady? Hope all is well for you and baba on board. Xxx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to Pookymama

Bless you, thanks for asking in all honesty it's taking life out of me, iv got HG and the tablets are making so tired its been really difficult, got another scan tomorrow so we'll see how things are getting on πŸ’—

For the milk it was almond milk tbsp of coconut oil tsp turmeric pinch of black pepper tap ashwghandha and some chopped pistachios some honey in a milk pan. Once warm blitz it through nutribullet drink lovely and gives you a nice sleep.

Hoping things work out hun keep me updated. πŸ’—πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Oh Cat, sounds like you're having a hard time of it! I hope things level out for you as your pregnancy continues. Forgive my ignorance but what's HG?

Lots of self-care and rest sounds like it's in order hun!

That milk sounds lovely, I'll have to try it, thank you.

I hope your scan is all you hope for tomorrow. I'll look forward to hearing how things are going for you. 😊

I'll update the mysterious late af too.

Speak soon. Xxx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to Pookymama

I don't even have the head space for the spelling but it's severe morning sickness it's horrendous I shouldn't moan but it's really hard not too.

Looking forward to hear your update lovely. When are you due on did you say Saturday πŸ’—πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Ah right, that sounds miserable for you hun! Maybe after the first trimester it will dissipate.

Yeah, day 28 is Saturday so we shall see. Fingers crossed! β˜†β™‘β˜†

Be thinking of you tomorrow hun. Good luck! Xx 😊

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to Pookymama

Hopefully you'll get a lovely surprise. Thanks hun


Anna00 profile image

Hi hun, I started using some herbs and changed my diet to organic, it’s a bit hard but I try to go organic for everything. I’m taking milk thistle, nettle, dandelion root twice a every day, cut dairy and using herbal oil on my tummy and surprisingly I had less period pain last month,(normally my period pain is horrible). So yes I really believe in herbs, they can do miracles.

Can I ask you what fertility smoothies you taking if you don’t mind?!

Fingers crossed it’s your time, keep us update 🀞🏻xx

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply to Anna00

Hi hun, where are you at with your journey?

It sounds like you've made a lot of changes! It is tough trying to adapt your choices isn't it!

Yeah, it's interesting the effects that come from taking herbs and nice to rely on something more natural as our bodies go through so much chemical intrusion from this process!

The smoothies are just fruit, maca, nuts and almond milk. I've just taken elements from a fertility diet challenge on NaturalFertility.com. It says to add a smoothie, large green salad, leafy greens and a super green juice to your diet. If you go on their website or youtube there are recipes. ;-)

As I've been too chilly for smoothies some mornings so sometimes make maca almond balls which have fertility goodies in. Let me know if you want the recipe.

Good luck with it all hun

Xx 😊

Anna00 profile image
Anna00 in reply to Pookymama

Hi lovely! I had my first fresh cycle end of Jan and unfortunately it faild and ended up an early misscariage. My diet always been healthy full of veg and fruit but I though I need to change it to better to increase my chance for next time. Tbh since we swapped to organic we both feel much better,my husband told me yesterday he feels he has more energy recently! So maybe that’s the organic stuff who knows!😊 we also taking the whole lemon drink every day it’s for detox our body, I’ll give you the recipe if you like.

defo should get the maca I hear lots of good thing about it. I didn’t find natural fertility.com but I’m on a natural fertility info.com not sure if it’s the same if not have a look it’s pretty amazing,lots of herb with all their info.

I would love to have maca balls recipe😊

Wish you all the best xxx

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply to Anna00

Hi hun, sorry to hear of your loss. It's such a cruel process sometimes isn't it!

Yeah, we've done the all organic thing intermittently. It does feel good to be only putting in the good stuff but it can be demanding adapting your lifestyle.

Oo, I'd like the whole lemon detox recipe please!

I'll check thst website with the smoothies and get back to you in case I said it wrong!

The maca recipe is US measurements:

3/4 cup whole oats

1/2 cup almond butter

1/4 cup dessicated coconut

1/4 cup water

1tbsp maca

1 tbsp honey / 2 dates

1 tbsp hemp seeds

1 tbsp chia seeds

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp vanilla extract.

If using honey mix by hand, if using dates mix in food processor, form into balls and chill.

I found I needed more liquid though my "cup" measurement might have been a little large. Lol. I may have added more cinnamon and honey too as I tend to tweak recipes to taste.

Good way to get nutrients in without freezing the tummy with smoothies in winter though!

Hope you enjoy. Xx 😊

Ash2016 profile image

Hi lovely, I took my left over cyclogest a few cycles back. I have short cycles too and the cyclogest extended my cycle. I was only taking 400mg too so it might be that. I got really excited hoping we might be pregnant but it wasn't to be. Fingers crossed it's the opposite for you!

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply to Ash2016

Hi Ash,

Sorry to hear that it wasn't to be on that cycle.

How're things going for you now?

Did your af just come while you were on cyclogest?

I'm on day 28 and no sign of af at mo but af has come on day 24 the last few cycles. I haven't tested yet...

I only have 1 cyclogest left though and doc refused to give me anymore. :-/ xx

Ash2016 profile image
Ash2016 in reply to Pookymama

I tested on day 28 day and it was negative so I stopped taking it but my period came on just as soon as I'd tested. Might be worth testing to see if the cyclogest as done the trick 🀞

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply to Ash2016

I tested today (day 29), was shaking as I'm never late and I never really test so kinda allowed myself to hope... BFN. Meh!

Onward and upward I guess!

I've run out of cyclogest so I hope af just comes now so I haven't got the "these herbs have put me into early menopause" concern!

I've stopped taking the herbs too. Judt maintaining the ubiqinol, baby aspirin and pregnacare.

Ash2016 profile image

Sorry it was a bfn lovely! I'm sure your period will come in the next day or two xxx

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