early detection positive normal tests... - Fertility Network UK

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early detection positive normal tests negative 12dpt

JessJ25 profile image
17 Replies

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this is my 8th transfer, my test day was yesterday, i got two positives with first response early detection, which i have been doing all week & they have been getting darker, however regular tests (non early detection) are hardly positive, just a really really faint line and i dont know what to believe. Surely my hormone levels should be strong enough by now to be getting positives on a normal test, but then why has the line progressed all week on the early response, has anybody else had this? Im hoping i just have a slow burner? But it’s driving me mad. The picture is the early detection results yesterday.

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JessJ25 profile image
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17 Replies
Millbanks profile image

Hi lovely,

You answered your own question there - the normal tests don't pick up as much HCG so they won't be as dark as the early detection tests.

They'll take a while to darken. Also I think we expect line progression to be textbook darker every few days, but hormone levels fluctuate and are different depending on how much you've been drinking / what time of day, how many times you've peed etc.

Quiet congratulations to you xx

JessJ25 profile image
JessJ25 in reply to Millbanks

My concern is that im only getting positives on the early detection, the normal first response that isnt an early detection is very very faint, can this be ok, should i go with the early detection results and test again on a normal test in a few days? X

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to JessJ25

Do you have a pic for comparison? xx

JessJ25 profile image
JessJ25 in reply to Millbanks

It’s that faint it wouldnt even look positive on a picture x

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to JessJ25

But the other tests were today? If you have HCG in your system - which you clearly have, then if it's being picked up by the early tests but not the normals then it perhaps just needs a few more days to strengthen.

Can you book a blood test to check? That will give you a clearer picture xx

JessJ25 profile image
JessJ25 in reply to Millbanks

No they where yesterdays, i dont have anymore ive ordered some but wont come until tomorrow, will they do bloods as i am NHS funded? Its literally impossible for me to contact my clinic, they never answer the phone or get back to me, to the point where i had to go in to the clinic yesterday as they wernt picking up the phone, to get more pessarys as id ran out and i need to be on them for 12 weeks. There is defiantly a second line on the normal test but it is far far weaker than id expect it to be at this point. If id of gone off normal tests and bot early detection id of been telling them its a negative result. I just dont know what to even think x

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to JessJ25

Yes it's tricky with the NHS - they often don't do bloods.

You could call your local EPU clinic - they might be more helpful?

I do think a positive is a positive though - even if it's not very strong yet. Give it a couple more days and see if it gets stronger xx

JessJ25 profile image
JessJ25 in reply to Millbanks

Yeah i feel like waiting is alls i can do really, its horrible isnt it. Because i have a comparison aswell with my daughter she was my third transfer but was stillborn at 34weeks, i know my tests where showing positive on regular tests before this point. But every pregnancy's different i suppose ill just have to wait a few days and test again xx

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to JessJ25

I'm so sorry to hear that - I can't imagine how heartbreaking that must have been.

Every pregnancy is indeed different - there are definitely people on here who recently had negative tests up to day 9, then they were so faint - but they got stronger. You just don't know. I get how frustrating and stressful it is though. I've been through 9 transfers and they never get any easier xx

Doodlebug23 profile image
Doodlebug23 in reply to JessJ25

I rang my GP and said I’m pregnant can I have a blood form for HCG please. I know it depends on the Dr but I’d try that x

Lelo3479 profile image

Congratulations ❤️💐🎊 it'll be because early response are more sensitive, 10miu, normal range from 25miu up to 100miu.

As long as your first response are darkening it's great news, best wishes x

Nevergu profile image

Can you not get hcg test done privately if you are worried.

Mimi1122 profile image

have you tested today? Hopefully line is darker 🤞mine is getting lighter so I’m also very nervous.

JessJ25 profile image
JessJ25 in reply to Mimi1122

Tests are negative today x

Mimi1122 profile image
Mimi1122 in reply to JessJ25

I’m really sorry JessJ25 I know how you feel. It’s 12dt5 today and my beta was only 47.5 yesterday. Todays tests are much lighter then yesterday. Sending love and hugs. Xx

JessJ25 profile image

i’m just really annoyed with my clinic, i went there on test day, as id been bleeding, i did bleed in my previous pregnacy for 11 weeks aswell, they told me the bleeding was an implantation bleed being made worse by the blood thinners, and to stop the blood thinners, she didnt do bloods, she booked my scan date in and gave me no indication that the pregnacy may not be progressing. I suggested i wait until bleeding stops & retest and she told me there wasnt much point but if i wanted to ease my mind then yeah do that, so thats what ive done today, if i didnt do that today id of gone to the 10th of october until the scan to be told i wasnt pregnant. I just dont understand why i was allowed to walk out that clinic totally believing everything was fine & why bloods where not done. Why wasnt it said well it suggested that it could be a loss or could be a bleed because of the blood thinners, just dont know why they left me with the false hope instead of suggesting it could be either or x

Mimi1122 profile image
Mimi1122 in reply to JessJ25

I’m sorry.. there is never a right thing to say.. did they do progesterone test? Could that be just low progesterone? In my previous miscarriage I have bled for two weeks from week 5 -7 - I had hematoma, but I carried on with blood thinners and heparin as I have very high platelets- essential thrombocytemea. After week 7 there was no heartbeat unfortunately. Xx

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