Adenomyosis ? Awaiting 4th Decapeptyl inj... - Endometriosis UK

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Adenomyosis ? Awaiting 4th Decapeptyl injection and hopefully an hysterectomy.

ww14 profile image
3 Replies

i am 41 and am lucky enough to have 2 children aged 5 to 8. I have always suffered with mood swings and have been in and out of therapy and on and off depressants since puberty. Periods up until pregnancy were heavy but not painful and i managed good work record. Problems really started with pregnancy as signed off sick for both with low mood weepiness fatigue nausea. which lasted whole of pregnancy. First birth was caesarean and second was forceps. It was during second pregnancy that i remember first having pain in RH side of my groin. My periods after pregnancy again were heavy but not especially painful. I was still struggling with low mood dizziness breast pain vaginal pain heavy periods tiredness. I thought I was pre menopausal but doctor told me it was anxiety and I was prescribed citalopram and more counselling. . Eventually after trying different pills I tried the mirena coil. I bled continually and had groin pain , several urinary infections, and bloating.

I had the coil removed and this is when my symptoms worsened. I had severe bloating, flooding, and pelvic pain. I had severe leg and back pain and could nt walk more than 5 to 10 metres. I never got a proper explanation for why i was affected in such an extreme way..After 6 weeks I was able to return to work but still struggled with stabbing pain in right side of my groin and heavy periods. I tried various contraceptive pills but struggled with side effects of all of them . I was also waiting for physio on my groin strain. Then my back went again and I once again was struggling to walk and experiencing tiredness and muscle ache. i was signed off work again but no link made between heavy periods and back and leg pain.

I tried physiotherapy which only made things worse. . I went to see a chiropractor who diagnosed a problem with my sacreo illiac joint. I still see him now as he is the only person who has made a real difference to my problems. He has significantly reduced my leg and back pain and has enabled me to walk again when my limbs have totally given up.

The gynae consultants and my doctor consistently tell me their is no link between leg and lower back pain to the extent to which I have suffered and endometriosis. We delayed trying to find a solution to my heavy painful periods until we worked out my back and leg pain. The doctor thought gynaecological examinations would only aggrevate these symptoms. I eventually decided they must be linked so asked to be re referred back to the gynaecology dept at the hospital.

The consultant at the gynaecological unit at the hospital kept trying to persuade me to give the coil another go. or try another contraceptive pill. I re tried contraceptive pills again only to have same side effects. I have had to be quite insistent that I don t want any more hormones . Eventually I was offered an pelvic ultra sound and an internal examination which revealed a enlarged misshapen womb and some small polyps. I had the polyps removed during day surgery a procedure which I found very painful. The paracetamol the hospital sent me home with was woefully inadequate and I had to go to the doctors for tramadol and co codamol. I returned to the hospital 6 weeks later hoping for some guidance on where we went from here. The doctor I saw at the clinic (never the same one twice) reassured that I had recovered from polyps op was happy to discharge me once I had discussed with him what contraception I was using. I had to ask how my husbands vasectomy was going to help me with my heavy painful periods and other dehabilitating symptoms. I told him I wanted a laparoscopy and he asked me whether I had had one yet. At which point I suggested he familiarise myself with my notes in front of him. I was very grateful I had familiarised myself with Endometriosis Uk website and was able to suggest to him this was a possible cause of my symptoms.

I had to go to a disciplinary review at work due to my absence and was put on final written warning and advised I could only have one more week absence over a 6 month period, I could not get my doctor to confirm endometriosis as this still has nt been diagnosed. I argued that my absence due to back ,leg pain and weakness (some days struggle to walk and bend ) could be linked to pelvic pain and heavy painful periods ( week to 10 days first couple of days bed ridden or spaced out on pain killers ) . I think they did accept this but said my level of absence was having detrimental effect on business.

My laparoscopy went fine again day surgery and I was ready for pain this time. Unfortunately my wound became infected and I had to take two weeks of work. I struggled on my return as I had a physical job that involved bending lifting walking and standing for long periods. Both my polyp op and my laparoscopy have taken good 3 to 4 weeks to recover from. Having already been told that re deployment not an option and "reasonable work adjustments " constantly being evaluated and adjusted depending what treatment and surgery I was having. I agreed to take unpaid sick leave. My periods were not regular so could nt predict my absences and hated feeling like I was constantly letting people down with being so unreliable. I had two children to look after and house to run as well so not as though all I had to manage was work.,I was already only working part time . The fact I could nt hold down a part time job as been a huge frustration for me. Unfortunately I have pain constantly and find physical exertion ( walking/standing/lifting/bending) difficult. at any time of month. I was at this time taking citalopram for low moods gabopentin for leg pain paracetamol and ibuprofen daily for pelvic and back pain. When I was on first days of period I would also have to take tramadol and co codamol.

I had to wait 6 weeks after my laparoscopy to get results which was very frustrating. This did nt show any endometriosis so now they think I have adenomyosis where endometriosis is confined to lining of womb. The only way to be sure is to do biopsy after womb has been removed. I have to have 6 injections of decapetyl to see if menopause helps with symptoms. If it does then it could mean it is adenomyosis. I have had 3 injections and will see my consultant next week to hopefully discuss hysterectomy. The decapetyl injections have improved but not cured symptoms. The first two weeks things were worse and I still had bleed after first one. I had hot sweats from day one. My third injection was at 6 weeks due to xmas and new year so had return of symptoms. Not having period for last two months has made big difference and I would have hysterectomy based on that alone. My symptoms are more constant and don t have huge variations in what I can do one week to the next. I still have leg back and pelvic pain. Hot flushes are a problem but rather have those than severe pain. I do struggle with weepiness and low mood and tiredness but am off all medication apart from menopause injections. I do occasionally have to take tramadol and co codamol but not in large doses I was taking earlier.

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3 Replies
Andypandy profile image

Morning omg it's like reading about me!:-( u poor thing but u don't want sympathy! Anyway I've had all ov the above but also now been told I have fibroids n 2 12 cm ovarian cysts caused from the merina coil:-( things got worse for me in oct n nov 12, was admitted to hospital 3 times with kidney/ water infections, I too had laproscopys n got infected! But to say I'm pissed off angry is an understatement as finally they gave me MRI scan after I to had the menapause injections for 3 months made no diff only I was more tearful gained weight n few facial hairs:-(

But I have finally been diagnosed with sever endo which I knew and adynomisosis. But the reason I keep getting Water infections is because I have severe endo around my urethra so I'm having 4-5 hr surgery on 19th feb with a urologist n gyny I'm so scared as I don't really no what to expect! I told them I was scared and they just said ( as I'm not sure if its a hysterectomy) but they said its called a laparotomy which basically means I'm having open surgery with the faith that they do whatever is needed! But I carnt suffer anymore! If I can help u in any other way I will

wdwfan1973 profile image

Hi, I'm sorry you've been through so much. I have been diagnosed with adenomyosis - it was found during an MRI scan. I'm surprised they haven't offered you an MRI to see if it is adenomyosis before offering a hysterectomy. A hysterectomy is apparently the only way to get rid of adenomyosis but a doctor who works with my consultant refuses to consider it, even though I turn 40 next month and I have zero fertility. I get leg pain and lower back pain too. The leg pain kinda feels like a dragging pain. I am due to have my first lap on Saturday as my consultant seems to think I have endo elsewhere due to the fact the Mirena hasn't taken away my pain. I was supposed to have the lap a week ago but after 10 hours of being sat in the day room, I was sent home as they had no beds! The coil has only been in 7 months so I think it will take a bit longer to help if its going to. I hope your appointment goes well and once you have the hysterectomy, fingers crossed you will be pain free. Good luck.

Annabel x

Servante profile image

I know this post is an old one but wondered if you ended up having hysterectomy?? And how is your pain now?? I’ve been bed bound for 5 weeks unable to walk or stand the pain in my lower right back hip bum and leg is unbearable nerve pain I can’t stand up straight 😭

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