Hi everyone this is my first post and was looking for some information so I apologise if this is long winded. I am 37 and been having problems for as long as I can remember with severe pain and ovarian cysts and periods that are with too heavy or non existent in feb of last year i had serve pelvic and abdominal pain at fisrt apparently it was all in my head they eventually did surgery and had the left ovary fallopian tube and large tumour removed the pain went away then around Dec the pain started again and it has been coming and going since some days I can't even function like a normal person.
Now the gyn has started me on decapeptyl one injection a month I had the first one in April about a week after I started to get neck back chest shoulder pain, I can't stop crying over stupid things and I have had spotting for the last 10 days. I'm due the next injection next Monday is this normal? I've tried to contact the gyn but have had no luck..
Again I'm sorry for the long story but would be greatful of any help or advice.
Thank you in advance
Fiona x