I posted a short while ago about my upcoming hysteroscopy.
Just to update I had it last week, and if anyone is feeling scared/anxious about having it done, I assure you I was in the best hands and very well looked after. My gynaecologist is absolutely lovely and I am very lucky. She and the nurses put me at my ease all the way through it. I had a anaesthetic gel and a local anaesthetic and I have to say I didn't feel a thing, just a bit of cramping as she was moving about.
As I have been on progresterone tablets for decades, and at 55 am on no HRT she decided to give me the merina coil. This is because Endo thrives on estrogen and therefore she felt that HRT would not be beneficial for me. The coil took a bit of maneouvering about and she got it in eventually (its because I have a small cervix and have not had children). The whole procedure took about 20 minutes.
I cannot feel the coil and I feel absolutely fine. When I got home after the procedure, I had a bit of bleeding and cramping, just like a normal period and I was back at work the next day.
I can honestly say the med team at Coventry & Warwickshire (I was treated at the hospital in Rugby) were amazing!!😀
Don't be scared ladies, I promise you that you will be fine.👍