Looking for advice
I got unexpectedly diagnosed with endo in the summer (during a laparoscopy for an ovarian cyst removal). I never used to get pain other than on my period but since being diagnosed I’m getting all sorts of pains.
I tried Dienogest (stopped due to thinking it had affected my vision but turns out it was optic neuritis). Got prescribed tranexamic acid and mefenamic acid which helped a bit but still got pains at other times of the month.
I then got prescribed Gedarel 20/150 (low dose combined pill) which I was anxious trying due to migraines with aura 15 years ago. I tried that for nearly a full strip and had the worst headaches so I’ve just stopped that and the headaches are near enough gone.
Part of me wants to stick to non-hormonal treatments as I’ve had near enough all other contraceptives before and they don’t agree with me. Does anyone take supplements that help? I’ve read that magnesium, omega-3 and vitamin D could be beneficial? Also has anyone tried the new Myoovi MyEndo supplements?