apologies for the long post but this is more like a soap opera than real life-
29/10/24 I had a full abdominal hysterectomy due to endometriosis and a 6cm fibroid.
When my fibroid was removed it measured at 18cm and caused a large bleed. I was packed full of gauze to soak up the blood and they “lost” one of these pieces of gauze when the surgery was over. Several scans later it was found between a fold of intestine and I was opened back up to retrieve it. 2 days later I was sent home. 5 days after that I returned as I was vomiting constantly. I had developed a huge heamotoma (honeydew melon size)that was putting pressure on my stomach and causing the vomiting. Medication given and advised that it may take months for it to fully reabsorb. 3 weeks later, I am readmitted to hospital with sepsis originating from the heamotoma. After a week in hospital I am sent home on antibiotics for a further week. During this time, a blister starts to form on the abdominal scar. The wound clinic advised that it is just fluid around the wounds that is expected after such a major surgery. I woke up in the early hours of last week feeling my leg was wet. The blister had burst and easily 1/2 pint of fluid poured out my abdomen in 20 minutes. Off to A&E I went. Emergency gynaecologist said it’s normal and to go home. The blister is now reforming and is getting sore to touch. I now know what to expect when it bursts so I won’t panic as much as last time but there is nobody who will see me or explain what is happening and why. My follow up with surgery is not until the end of January, my gp says all is looking good and the wound clinic only dress the area.
os there anyone I can turn to and talk about what I am experiencing and reassure me that it is ok. I am so paranoid now after all the complications that I am going out of my mind.
If you have made it to the end of this then well done. Xx