I was scheduled to have a robotic laparoscopic hysterectomy and some endometriomas and any other endometriosis removed. This was supposed to take no more than two hours and be a day case when the surgeon opened me up he found that the endometriosis was way more widespread than initially thought I had to have extensive, surgery to remove the endometriosis from my bladder bowel ligaments and other areas as well as having a total hysterectomy they couldn’t achieve this laparoscopically alone so I had a laparoscopic procedure and then a full abdominal hysterectomy which ended up taking six hours and I was in hospital for two nights. I only found out about this when I came round. Has anybody else experience this? also how long did it take you to start feeling more human after a full abdominal hysterectomy? I appreciate it might be quite rare to have had both laparoscopic and abdominal surgery all in one go but any advice and opinions would be really helpful.
2 weeks post hysterectomy : I was... - Endometriosis UK
2 weeks post hysterectomy

Oh you've been through it. I hope you're managing lots of rest and be extra kind to yourself. I've not had a hysterectomy or such extensive surgery. However it took me 4 weeks after my first lap recently to feel better. That was stage 4 severe endo, endometriomas removed, organs all unstuck. You've had a big procedure so it will take longer to recover. High protein and nutrient dense diet will help aid recovery. Wishing you all the best for healing ❤️
Hiya, I had a full hysterectomy in a robotic theatre. I wasn't in for six hours but when they opened me up my organs were stuck together again. This was my 3rd time of being found like that. I had endometriosis everywhere. So they had to separate me first. I had endo removed from inside and outside the bladder and bowel. The endo was also found in small of my back. They removed everything they could so its a waiting game to see if it comes back.
I was back at work 8 weeks afyer op and I started back on reduced hours. I started to feel human again, 3 weeks after op but my body was very sore and I felt so tired. So I actually listened to my consultant and rested.
Life is getting back to normal. I'm still in pain but nowhere near the level before but I have a lot of damage due to suffering endo for 23 years. I was previously told I had IBS like so many of endometriosis family. Make sure you rest and go for gentle walks, sleep when you need too
Good luck you will feel better, and stronger soon. Xxx
Hi, I had a full abdominal hysterectomy 18 months ago due to fibroids, adenomyosis and endometriosis. The first 2/3 weeks are the hardest by far. I remember feeling that around 5 weeks I felt so much better. I went for short walks, just a little everyday and built up the distance, and quite quickly got physically stronger It's a major op so be kind to yourself. By about 3 months I felt like a new woman! Now it all feels like a distant memory and i have absolutely no regrets. Best of luck with your recovery
I went in for a planned total hysterectomy in October last year. I too had issues during surgery, they found my bowel stuck to my womb with a large plaque of endometriosis. Suddenly it was a medical emergency with them calling my husband saying it was 50/50 I’d pull through. They had to cut my bowel to do the surgery then perform a colostomy bag operation to save my life. I’m having more surgery in the summer to reverse that then it will be up to a year recovery. I went down to theatre at 9.30 and didn’t get back till 7pm. I spent 4 days on morphine pump and then tablet morphine and paracetamol with liquid morphine in between. I spent 11 days in hospital and 3 months recovering. They also tested some suspicious lumps in my womb but got the cancer all clear in January. I still have bad days but we have to remember our bodies have had a huge battering! I get tired very easily but if I have to stop I stop. Be gentle with yourself you’ve got this! Good luck
Hello, I had a full laroscopic hysterectomy 2 years ago. I had endo and adeno. My surgery was fairly straightforward although one of my incisions became infected so a had some antibiotics to treat that. Personally, I felt some relief immediately. I found that there was very little pain during my recovery (certainly nothing like what I had been dealing with) However it did take me much longer to recover. I would say it was a good 4 months before I was feeling more like myself. I think I underestimated the extent of the whole impact of the end in my body. Please give yourself time to recover. It can be easy to want to rush back but your body has been through such a trauma. Very best of luck, I hope that the hysterectomy gives you some relief in the long term x
Hello! I have no advice other than to say this happened to me yesterday. I'M in hospital with both the laproscopic incisions and a full belly opening.
They also said they did not anticipate how advanced it had become (mri last Feb showed adhesion but bowel specialist said wasn't touching) during surgery yesterday they found my ovaries attached to the bowel, colorectal surgeon wanted to stop and bring me back for another surgery but gyn said let's give it a go!
hey, where did you have the surgery done and why did they remove the endo? Did you request that?