Pain 3 weeks post laparoscopy- is this no... - Endometriosis UK

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Pain 3 weeks post laparoscopy- is this normal??

mjaved profile image
19 Replies

Hi all,

I am new here, I have been reading many of these posts but have been hesitant in signing up, but here I am.

I am currently 21 years old, soon to be 22.

I underwent laparoscopic surgery 3 weeks ago after suffering for 5 years with immense chronic pain (mainly on the left side) During this time period, I was never taken seriously, I was even told it was all in my head, 'I wanted to miss exams', there was nothing wrong with me. Eventually, I began believing this, however this summer I could not bear the pain anymore. I decided to do my own research and contacted a private consultant. FINALLY I was taken seriously. My journey even with the private hospital was very back and forth as I was constantly messed around. After having my lap, they found endometriosis and removed what they could.

I am now 3 weeks post op, however I am pretty concerned. I have not seemed to heal. I thought I had and left the house for 2 days but kept it really minimal in terms of what I did. However, I am now back to being bed bound and unable to move. It is like a burning, tight, pulling/throbbing sensation everywhere! I cannot walk, stand, or even lay down. I am constantly vomiting and have no appetite. Also, painkillers are not doing anything for me at all. As this is my first lap, I am worried. I am not sure if this is normal or abnormal, so if anyone could help that would be great. My doctor surgery is not the best and my follow up appt is after 6 weeks from the date of my lap.

I am a final year uni student as well as working part time. I cannot afford to constantly be absent from university as I have spent most my academic years just settling and never being able to reach my full potential due to this pain.

Is this pain normal? Should I be worried?

Thanks, MJ x

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mjaved profile image
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19 Replies
Lou887 profile image

Hi ya

I am 1 week post op from my first lap and they removed endometriosis. I am moving about and going out even if it’s for 10mins just to get some air but I’m finding I get tired quite quickly. 2 out of 3 of my cuts have healed for as much as they should 1 week in the only one causing me issues is my belly button. I would speak to your consultant regarding the pain you are having if not call 111 explain what you have had done and they will advise you what you need to do.

Everyone is different though in terms of how the recover but I would try and speak to someone. In terms of painkillers the only ones that used to work for me was zapain which has codeine in it but it worked.

Hope you get it sorted xx

mjaved profile image
mjaved in reply to Lou887


Yeah, tiredness was a huge issue for me after my lap. I rang the hospital which did the operation, the nurse said to go to a walk-in centre, but I am not able to. I called 111 previously, in my second week after the op, they said everything was fine and my wounds had healed nicely and the pain was expected as I am a tiny frame, plus I had not released my bowels for 5 days then. However, this time its been 3 days since I did (thankfully this afternoon I managed to- but the pain, OMG!!) In terms of painkillers, I have had Codrydamol and Ibrupofoen, and I've tried codeine and declofenac sodium, neither combinations have made any differences for me.

Thank you and I hope you make a swift recovery xx

Dee11 profile image

I had pain for a good number of weeks after my lap, but I also had a wound infection - have you considered if it’s this? For me the infection pain was actually worse than the surgery pain and felt like I was being repeatedly punched or stabbed, and felt like I was constantly pulling something - or that something was too tight inside and I was having to stretch it. How are your wounds looking? x

mjaved profile image
mjaved in reply to Dee11

Hi Dee,

From the outside, my wounds look like they have healed fine. There does not seem to be any sign of an infection. However, the final part where you've described the pain sounds very familiar. My body also feels very achy and I'm finding it difficult to walk/stand x

Lulububs profile image

Hi mj

I would suggest u ring 111. U may have a infection... i had this 2 weeks after lap. Mine was bladder infection.

There prob send u to a hosp near u or even a 24 medical place where u can get seen ... u cannot wait 6 weeks.

It took me a good 4 weeks to feel half way normal after mine so it not strange but pain shouldnt b happening if it getting worse it likely a infection somewhere mayb in wounds or internal.

tasha-marie profile image
tasha-marie in reply to Lulububs

I second this Lulu, i'm yet to have a lap but I have had some extensive LLETZ treatments a few months ago and my last one became infected, which was the most painful thing I have ever experienced. Infections are not good news and the symptoms can start off slowly and not bother you too much but turn into full blown agonising pain very fast if left untreated as I did - call 111, i think they will get you looked at soon, definitely the safest bet.

mjaved profile image
mjaved in reply to tasha-marie

Hi Tasha-Marie,

How will I know if it is an infection? I'm currently just guessing and trying to research my symptoms x

mjaved profile image
mjaved in reply to Lulububs


Did they tell you over the phone it was a bladder infection or? How did they treat this? I am getting quite worried now as the last thing I need is an infection of some sort. I am already extremely weak and these past few weeks my body has been through the wars x

tasha-marie profile image

Yes, if you speak to someone via 111 they will ask you for specific details of your symptoms, pain etc. They should be able to ascertain whether it is normal after your procedue or whether you are showing signs of an infection. If they have the slightest worry they will send you to see a doctor. Make sure you tell them about the vomming etc. It is much safer to speak to someone than leave it to chance hun. Even if it turns out it's normal it's better to get ot checked so you don't end up in a worse situation..fingers crossed for your healing. Speak to 111 and let us know how you get on xxx

mjaved profile image
mjaved in reply to tasha-marie

I think I'm going to try and get through the night then tomorrow if I'm able to travel I'll go to a walk-in centre, if not I'll ring 111. I am just so used to not being taken seriously or made to feel as though I am exaggerating that I tend to just 'deal with it'.

Thank you for your advice xx

tasha-marie profile image
tasha-marie in reply to mjaved

Yes, I was the same too, it is exhausting having to explain yourself so many times and feeling like you're getting nowhere isn't it :( best wishes to you, hope you get well soon xx

mjaved profile image
mjaved in reply to tasha-marie

I went back to my GP for a sick note, but I also mentioned the findings from my lap and told him 'I told you so' and his response left me fuming. He replied with 'but you have to admit, it is a very interesting case'. err, excuse me, for who??? You/me?

Thank you hun xx

tasha-marie profile image

Sorry i didn't answer how I was treated. I called 111 and after describing my symptoms they sent me to go and see a doctor within a couple of hours. The doctor examined me and found the infection, thenni was given a course of antibiotics and a lot of pain relief to get me over it. Mine was a cervical infection, not related to a laparoscopy but similar circumstances. Don't feel like you have to sort it out yourself hun you've got enough on your plate, call them. Xxx

mjaved profile image
mjaved in reply to tasha-marie

No worries hun, right that sounds like it was treated in the right way. I am glad it all got sorted. It could be possible I have a urine infection. I will give them a call tomorrow. Thank you xx

mjaved profile image
mjaved in reply to tasha-marie


Just thought I'd update you, I was in fact admitted back in hospital from Nov 18th and have been there since (was discharged yesterday evening)

It was a lot worse that anticipated x

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to mjaved

Glad you updated, I only just read your first post (not realizing it was old) and was about to reply and tell you it’s not normal and you need to get seen to!!! Hope you recover fully soon.

tasha-marie profile image
tasha-marie in reply to mjaved

So glad you got it seen to and went into the doctors care! What was it? Wishing you a speedy recovery <3 xxx

mjaved profile image
mjaved in reply to tasha-marie

Thank you xx

Well, there was quite a lot going on. They found there was a collection build up of 9x10cm in my abdomen which they needed to operate on asap, otherwise it could have leaked to my blood stream, so they did open surgery to remove that. They also put in an abdominal drain to drain out the bits that were remaining. The drain was supposed to have come out after a few days, but it didn't as it was still draining which set off alarm bells. They suspected there was some sort of uretical damage. They then sent me for an emergency CT scan to see what was going on and their suspicions were confirmed. My uretera was damaged. So the urine was flowing straight into my stomach rather than going from the kidney to my bladder, hence the cause of the build up. They then took me back into theatre to try and repair the damage by a stent which was supposed to be a 20 minute procedure, however I was in theatre for over 3 hours, as the procedure was unsuccessful. So the following day, I was taken back again, this time they put a tube into my kidney to redirect the route the urine takes so it takes the pressure off the damage and my kidney so I was given a nephrostemy bag attached to my back. They also attempted to put the stent in again but that failed again. The initial plan was to keep the bag in for a few days, then to retry with the stent, if that did not work it would be another open surgery, however within less than a week I had lost more than a stone so they decided against this as my weight had dropped to 41kg. The urologist had suggested I keep the nephrostemy bag in for at least six months, so there is time to heal the damage, and time for me to repair myself and grow healthier and stronger. They then wanted to operate on me in a few months time. So currently the situation has still not been dealt with properly.

Been an absolute rollercoaster!

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to mjaved

Oh bless you! Sounds like you’ve had a real time of it. Best wishes for your future recovery xx

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