I had a total abdominal hysterectomy (including ovaries) earlier this week and the surgery also involved separating my bowel from PoD (I think). The first couple of days I was very sick when I ate drank anything so they put me nil by mouth for 36hours to give me bowels a chance to 'wake up' as they weren't processing anything. I'm now back home and got the exact opposite problem - terrible diarrhoea. Literally a few sips of water goes straight through me. Is this normal? How long will it last? Any tips to help it ease off? I'm literally exhausted
Post - Hysterectomy Bowel Issues - Endometriosis UK
Post - Hysterectomy Bowel Issues

Did you have a bowel prep. I had the same problem due to the after effects of the bowel prep. I then learnt, I was able to control without having accidents by just sitting on the loo every few hours. By day 3 I started gaining control of my bowels again
Thank you 😊 yes I did bowel prep for 3days beforehand. Things to be under control now, saw the Dr yesterday when I went for my dressings changed and they gave me some Loperamide which has helped. Haven't had a solid 💩 since the morning of the surgery which is worrying me a bit but will see how it goes xx
Codeine is very good for helping with diarrhoea as well as relieving pain. Perhaps that could help you. Good luck XX
Thank you 😊 yes on codeine now as well as Loperamide which have both helped massively thank goodness xx
I have this issue too! Thank you for posting because everything I had read was the complete opposite and this has brought me so much comfort to know I'm not alone! Wishing you a speedy recovery x
It's just brutal isn't it? I'm 8days post-op now and whilst I still haven't had a solid 💩 things are a lot less frequent and urgent than they were. Any time I eat and my body starts to process it, the pain is intense.Sending you lots of hugs for a speedy recovery also x
Thank you! I'm now 18 days post op and definitely been better the last few days but I did have some complications with my bladder and bowel and need a second surgery 😭 I found just plain rice was the only thing i could hold onto at the start! I reckon you'll be feeling better on that front in the next few days! Just remember to rest. I'm finding not doing a lot really hard but when I really let myself rest I do feel much better! Here if you need support x
Thank you, I appreciate that so much 🙏 so sorry you had to have a second surgery 😥 that was my biggest fear as I can't help feeling that there's a blockage somewhere but just have to hope that it clears naturally 🙏 x
I'm waiting on a date for it so lots of anxiety 🤣 Honestly you'll feel weird and second guess everything for a bit but trust your body! I can't tell you the amount of googling I've done in the last two weeks haha I've googled every weird feeling in the book and it's all just been my body working overtime to heal you've got this! X