So I had an abdominal hysterectomy with oophorectomy on the 1st of July. I am 6 weeks post-op. Pain on or around the wound is much better though its still a bit sore and hurts if Im sitting too long. Endopain is gone so far 🤞🤞 Struggling big time with energy levels. Have started transitioning back to work gradually with 5 to 6 hours 3 times a week. I am totally burnt out when I get home. Experiencing frequent headaches. Struggling with constant fatigue, achy body as if I have fever, insomnia, dryness on skin and eyes, dry mouth despite of drinking atleast 2 litres of water along with other fluids, bad hairfall.. I suppose my body is still in a shock. But how long does it take?? When will I feel fine?? I think I underestimated the procedure 😔
Life Post Hysterectomy : So I had an... - Endometriosis UK
Life Post Hysterectomy

Not to alarm you but it took 9 months for me to feel myself again. I had really bad fatigue especially. I think I just crashed. A friend bounced back in 8 weeks. Everyone is different! My advice would be listen to your body and try to do a little more when you can e.g walks and nice things fir yourself and take the time that you need to rest when you need to. Easier said than done sometimes I know. Seeing a sports physio also really helped me too as my core was really destabilised from the operation. That was nearly 5 years ago now and a distant memory. Although at the time it dragged on so long I thought I'd never get back to normal.Hope you start to feel better soon x
Thank you so much for sharing your experience! Did you have the procedure because of endometriosis? How is that now? Did you take HRTs? Im really scared of a relapse 😑
Hi yes for endo & adenomyosis. I still have my ovaries as I was advised to because of my age of 37 at the time. So I'm no help on the HRT front. But now 5 years later I'm needing further surgery so that might be coming up. Not yet sure which bits will come out next! I was completely pain free for about 3 years but with hormones still raging endo is a problem again. More painful than before but for a shorter time each 'month'. Was still the best thing for me though as my periods were unmanageable.
Hiya, I am in a similar boat. I had oophorectomy in mid-July (I’d already had hysterectomy in 2019 but pain came back) and am struggling with similar symptoms. Like you I am worried about taking HRT. I’ve also had pelvic pain - similar to what I had pre-surgery - on and off, and the last couple of days have been particularly bad 😕How are you doing now? Are things any better? Hope so!