Hi all, i've posted a few times about issues with endo and bowels and post surgery recovery and i've recently been to the doctors who diagnosed me with having ibs and to take Mebeverine? for cramps and i have all the usual ibs symptoms, contipation, cramps, stomach ache, trapped wind, dizziness and headaches however they haven't given me an endoscopy or a ultrasound and told me to try the tablets first.
I'm have a pelvic/lower belly pain and back pain with bouts of it feeling worse then it will settle but the past three days it's constant! It felt tender when the doctor pressed on this area and doctor said it's likely to be ibs related endometriosis, i explained to him i had excision surgery in July this year and mirena coil fitted and he said he still thinks it's endo related ibs and to take the tablets and if they dont help then to go back however i don't know with this pain if i should go back sooner and ask to see a specialist or get myself to the hospital, what do you think???
I feel this pain when im sitting, walking, lying even when i sit down it feels like i've sat on a pole that's gone right through my bum and sometimes it gets so sharp but generally it feels more like an endo pain - achey/bruised feeling but my stomach swells when the pain is bad also.
Sex is painful and worse from behind, at first i felt okay after my lap but now i feel worse than i did before my op and it's just draining me but i'm also worried no one will listen to me as i've had an op and the surgeon was pretty sure he got rid of all endo.