Hi there,
I was hoping to get some advice/support from you ladies, apologies in advance for the long post! I had an appointment with my endo specialist yesterday and my head is spinning. About 4 years ago I had a lap after 7 years of pain and they found cysts, endometriosis in the pouch of douglas and adhesions. In the last year my symptoms have returned, not as bad as they were - but I don't want to get to the stage where I'm being taken to hospital/passing out from pain every time I have a period again, so I've insisted on being seen now.
In the last 4 years since my last lap I've felt better but now I'm getting throbbing/stabbing pains in the POD area again, I can 'feel' that my cyst on my left ovary is back and I get terrible pain the week before, during and after my period. In addition to this I've also got terrible fatigue and joint pain which has begun to affect me every day. I thought these were all classic endo symptoms.
Although my consultant referred me for a second lap, he seems to think I don't have endometriosis (which seems odd to me as I thought it was something that wasn't curable - I've had it surgically diagnosed before) and it's just IBS. He also suggested that feeling better after my last surgery might have been a 'placebo' effect and my pain has always been IBS. I don't really have any symptoms of IBS (just bloating) and I'm gluten-free and mostly dairy free anyway. He also thinks my joint pain and fatigue is completely unrelated. I felt like he was trying to counsel me away from surgery, but he said he was just outlining the risks. I am so confused as I previously have had endo/cysts/adhesions and I'm experiencing the same pain again - the only difference is that I'm now on Microgynon. I've heard of GP's misdiagnosing endo as IBS, but this is an accredited endo specialist so I'm not sure what to think.
I know that the lap I'm on the waiting list for will show once and for all whether I have endo, but I feel like I'm doubting myself. Am I having unnecessary surgery?
Also does anyone have any advice on whether I should I see someone separately about the joint pain and fatigue if my endo specialist thinks its completely unrelated?
Any advice would be really appreciated. Thank you so much!