Hi all,
Hoping someone might be able to help me out in regards to whether the pain I'm experiencing currently is likely endo related or something else as its not a pain I've experienced before.
Started last night, lower abdomen, odd pain to describe but relatively central, painful if pressure applied, worse when lying down, especially on side, almost feels like gravity is 'pulling it down' which accentuates the type of pain that I'm feeling, but still uncomfortable upright. Not sure if related at all but yesterday had a sudden onset of pain across lower back and into sides and felt like racing heartbeat but all quickly subsided, and a headache that I haven't been able to shift for a few days.
From experience is this something that you have found to be endo related or is it more likely to be something else? (Just deciding whether it's worth seeing the DR or whether it's just endo).
Thanks in advance for any help you can give!