For years I'd had constant lower abdominal and back pain, also thigh pain. I was told by my GP it was 'probably' IBS. I was never officially diagnosed nor had any tests done.
I also had a fibroid in my uterus and it was noticed every time I had my regular smear test done. It was getting larger each time and when I had my smear in 2009, I was told I had a 'very large fibroid in there'. I asked what I should do about it and was told 'nothing, it should disperse on its own'.
Well the following year I had 3 very painful spells where I was taken to hospital by ambulance. I was told it was probably gastritis.
Eventually I saw another doctor, a lady this time, who noticed I had a large mass in my Abdomen but wasn't sure where it was. Because I'd had so much trouble with my bowel motions, I was referred to a bowel consultant. He sent me for a colonoscopy which I had on 30th Nov 2010. That evening I collapsed and was taken to AAU. They thought it was a perforated bowel so I was admitted and pumped full of antibiotics. After having an X-ray and 3 days of treatment, they sent me to Gynae saying it was a problem there instead.
Gynae did ultrasounds, MRI and CT scans, it was decided the mass was in my uterus. They said I needed a full hysterectomy and within the next two weeks!
I had my surgery 2 wks later. They found that the fibroid had calcified, two Spurs had come off it looking for a blood supply. One was attached to my rectum and bowel and the other my pelvic wall. I also had endometriosis and the wall of my muscle had joined onto my uterus.
Unfortunately, 2 days later I had a haemorrhage, was taken back for surgery, lost 4 units of blood, had a transfusion and ended up in HDU for a short time.
Sorry for the long story but I just wanted to say that, since having all this done, I'm still in pain albeit different pain but I've been trying, along with my long suffering Doctor to find out why and what's wrong? I've since collapsed 4 times in agony and taken to hospital by ambulance. Ive been to gastro, gynae and bowel specialists. No one seems to know nor understand how hard it is to live in pain and there seemingly is no reason for it!?! No one will take the responsibility to do a laparoscopy either. It's been mentioned but dismissed each time. I still struggle to go to the toilet and am on Laxido every day plus I get bloated and have to take Dulcolax every month or so because I still get constipated. My symptoms are very confusing to say the least!
I'm currently under the pain management team at my local hospital. They're trying the abdominal trigger injection on 20th May. I'm not sure what it'll do but I'll try anything now!
Before I was referred there, it felt like no one cared and no one understood that I could be in so much pain. It was getting me down and very depressed. It also left me with a hospital phobia and they are helping me with this but I still shake from head to foot when I have to go there. Crazy eh?
Have any of you ladies had problems like these?
I'm hoping I'm a one off to be honest as I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, if I had one. I too tend to put my pain aside when I'm with anyone. Night times seem to be my worst now.