Feeling nervous ....: Received a phonecall... - Endometriosis UK

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Feeling nervous ....

Carleyjayne93 profile image
28 Replies

Received a phonecall today.... Apparently an unexpected cancellation so I'm going in for my laparoscopy tomoro!!! Very last minute and very nervous! Never had any form of surgery or anything done before so nervous to be put under! Any advise to keep me calm? They're planning to fit the mirena coil at the same time. Any idea how long it takes to recover? I'm a beauty therapist and they recommended a week off as i work in a spa and do a lot of massage. Don't want to have a whole week off as I prefer to be busy and get bored having 2 days off let alone a whole week!!! im just a bit all over the place being soo last minute and not prepared and no idea what to expect so any comments will be helpful x

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Carleyjayne93 profile image
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28 Replies
Hightower13 profile image

I am having a diagnostic lap on Thursday and I'm so worried as its my first ever surgery!! and I've been given 11 days of work where I drive around houses and do care for ill and disabled people so a lot of moving, lifting and handling so hopefully that will be enough time to recover! All I can say is good luck!! :)

Mummy1982 profile image
Mummy1982 in reply toHightower13

Hi. Sorry i was just reading you reply to this post I have just posted a reply to the other lady and I thought it may help you too.

Jo x

Mummy1982 profile image


I had my first laparoscopy 4 weeks ago and got diagnosed with Endometriosis and Adenomyosis. I had never had any operation and have a major needle phobia so was really stressed about having a Iv in and what it would be like to have the anesthetic. I can honestly say that they were amazing they numbed my hand before putting the IV for me as I was so scared. I was crying when they took me down as I was so anxious about being put to sleep. I felt so silly after when they are putting the anesthetic in you hand your are awake for a few seconds tops and the next thing I remember was coming round. The pain was bad when I came round and I felt like I'd done done hundreds of sit ups in my stomach area. I think honestly it took me 2 weeks to be feeling better but it also depends on what they find and what they do? Is this a diagnostic or will they be removing Endo if it's found? I think it varies from surgeon to surgeon mine removed my Endo. I'm like you I was frustrated after 2 days I wanted to hoover and clean but I just couldn't and when I tried (which I shouldn't have) it made the pain worse. I've read on pages that they tell you, you will be in and out and back to normal within days, but I haven't heard from anyone that has been like that. I consider myself to be quite fit and active but I felt so weak after. I think you will really have to see how you feel after?

I hope this helps you, you will honestly be fine I was so scared and I hadn't found this site prior to laparoscopy I wish I had.

Good Luck hope it all goes well and other questions just ask.

Jo xx

Tboag profile image

Hi, I had my first lap 3weeks ago, I'm not sure how I recovered really, as I was diagnosed with endo and adenomyosis, and unfortunately I'm in as much pain as I was in before, my symptoms are caused by the adeno, endo was removed from uterus and ligament,

I think you might need at least that 1 week off, hopefully your be back after that, I will say I was shattered after for the first 4 days, but again was shattered before op too,

Good luck, I hope it goes really well for you, and you get your answers.


Mummy1982 profile image
Mummy1982 in reply toTboag

Hi. I was just reading your reply. I have also been diagnosed with Endometriosis and Adenomyosis 4 weeks ago via a laparoscopy and they removed endometriosis but told me they can't remove adenomyosis. The surgeon said if pain hadn't improved would have to consider hysterectomy. I'm now 4 weeks and 4 days on and pain is then same in the same place. I just wondered if you feel pain every day and just at your period ? And do you feel the pain in the same area.



Tboag profile image
Tboag in reply toMummy1982

Hi Jo,

I had my follow up appointment today actually, and ive been put on list for a total hysterectomy with overies left in place,

My pain is every day, used to be hit and mis with bad periods, but since September its constant, nothing has changed from before op, if anything abit more intense around the hips, feels like someone is pulling them apart,

I'm 39 and am blessed with 3 lovely sons, so an hysterectomy was a no brainer

Good luck to you, when is your follow up?

Mummy1982 profile image
Mummy1982 in reply toTboag


Thanks for replying my follow up is at the beginning of June. It sounds like your pain is like mine, it's constant day and night I feel exhausted all the time. I'm 32 and I also have 3 children and don't wish to have anymore. I think it was just a shock as it's taken me so long to get my laparoscopy the previous Gp I had seen made me feel like I was making it up and it couldn't be as bad as I was described. I was fully expecting them to say they found no endometriosis. I think I will see what she can offer and if nothing improves I will have to have hysterectomy as I can't bear the pain. I also like my hip pain is worse after the lap.

Thanks so much for replying.

Please let me know how you get on if you don't mind.


Jo xx

Tboag profile image
Tboag in reply toMummy1982

They isn't much that can be offered, my consultant today said I could have an injection, that puts you in to a tempary menopause, and that should help your pain, but you can only take it for 6 months as it stops the estrogen from being produced and that can be dangerous if taken for longer, we need estrogen for bone and heart health,

It's a complete pain in the arse,

I'll keep u informed


Mummy1982 profile image
Mummy1982 in reply toTboag

Like you say I don't understand where they are coming from with this temporary thing it almost makes it worse having 6 months pain free and then you get the pain back. It is a pain when all you want is to be pain free. Keep in touch I will let you know how I get on.


Jo x

Aj2010 profile image

Please don't be nervous. Everything will be fine. I had one in Oct 3013 and cane home 2 hours after waking up and I had endometriosis removed, adhesions from a previous op removed, endometrial ablation and was sterilised. I had just over a week off work and the pain after was nowhere near as bad as I thought! Try and relax as much as possible and keep in mind the end result you are seeking.

Good luck xxx

prushhaa profile image

hey! Firstly, you will be fine :) dont worry! going under is so safe and they have a seperate person just watching you aswell as surgeon !

in my experience ( I was diagnosed with endometriosis on Feb 10th this year) it was painful for the first 5 days after lap ( shoulder pain mostly due to trapped gas they use to pump up stomach!) but then things started to improve.. but then because i felt better, i started to go back to normal.. like bending down to put clothes in washing machine, or walk 5 mins to corner shop and i OVER DID IT!

I went back to work after 3 weeks, and I am a carer so very physically demanding job!! i felt ok for forst couple of weeks but then my tummy startd to really hurt and i began to feel really tired and weak quickly. I'm now going for ultrasound to see if scar tissue or adhesions have formed.. so yeah ! TAKE IT EASY, REST REST REST and i would say dont go bck to work for 2 weeks at least, especially doing what u do, thats quite stenuous on your tum, even though it might not see it at the mo !!

good luck tomoz ad i hope this helps :)


Mabes profile image

From what I've seen on here and also read, most women take between 2-6 weeks off depending on what is done during the operation. A few women recover very quickly, but they are in the minority. Some women go back to work or resume strenuous activity quite quickly and find they are trying to do too much too soon and have to taper back or take more time off work.

Carleyjayne93 profile image

Thank you all for your replies! Reading them all has helped ease my mind a bit! I'm sooo great ful to have found this site as everyone on it through all the posts I have put on have helped it be sooo much easier to deal with. I have still not yet fully been diagnosed with endo so hopefully tomoro will give me the final answer. I still have another appointment to go to in May for a colposcopy. Has anyone had to have this done also? Also how long is the surgery for the laparoscopy? And do you get your result the same day or do you have to wait? I know I haven't had to deal with this for as long as some people I have read about on here but it still feels like a viscous forever circle of different procedures in and out of the gps and gynaey appointments. This site has made it all sooo much easier though so thank you all for your replies again x

Mummy1982 profile image
Mummy1982 in reply toCarleyjayne93

You are so welcome. Good luck and let us know how you get on xx

Mummy1982 profile image
Mummy1982 in reply toCarleyjayne93

Sorry and as for your questions how long, the depends on what they find really. The surgeon came to see me after the op briefly and told me what they had found but I think this varies i have read posts where people have gone home without answers. I also received a letter confirming what the surgeon had done about 2 weeks after. I am waiting for a appointment for colonoscopy as I have a lot of bowel symptoms but I'm sure someone will have had one and will be able to help you.It is a vicious circle as symptoms over lap with quite a few things in the pelvic area. Hope all goes well for you though xx

Carleyjayne93 profile image

Had surgery today. Had laparoscopy colposcopy a mirena coil fitted and biopsy taken. In a fair bit of discomfort now was a loooooong procedure and long day! Didn't help in this beautiful weather that we had. No sign of endo yet but still further tests and awaiting biopsy result. Found a wart or growth thing on my ovary anyone else had this? They're very unsure as to what it is but not too concerned that it's anything harmful at the mo just testing the coil to see if that helps bleeding and pain. Whats the easiest thing to do to rest easy? Been very figity no matter how I try to position myself. Sore in some positions but achy and uncomfortable in others. Taken paracetmol ibruprofen and codeine as advised. Only pain of moving and in certain position. X

Mummy1982 profile image
Mummy1982 in reply toCarleyjayne93


Really pleased to hear that all went well for you. That's a good sign thay they didn't find any endometriosis. I have no experience with the growth on your ovary though I'm sure one of the other ladies will have had some experience with this. The only way I could sleep for first few days was on my back as it hurt to much to lay on my side. Heat pad really helped and I don't know of you can have a bath yet but when you can epsom salts in the bath helped ease some of the pain.

Make sure you get plenty of rest and drink lots of water.

Hope you feel better soon xx

Carleyjayne93 profile image
Carleyjayne93 in reply toMummy1982

Thank you was advised not to bath yet only shower cos can't soak the stitchings otherwise they won't heal or they will collect water and cause infection luckily had a nice soak in the bath before haha. Yeh found it soo painful lying on my side which is annoying as thats usually how I sleep. Piled up some pillows so I'm sort of sat up and was advised to try pillow under my knees but it's just a strange position to sleep in haha. Got some heat pads at home ready but staying at sisters for the night while my partner working. Thanks for you replies been a big help with easing my mind xx

Mummy1982 profile image
Mummy1982 in reply toCarleyjayne93

Oh i had stitches and glue which was waterproof and I was aloud to bath straight away but I didn't have a bath for 2 days as I felt to weak to move. Yes laying on your side will be for a few days,that's how I usually sleep it took me a while to get used to it. Yes i had loads of pillows to get comfy. Yes it's due to blood clots. I was told to wear my stocking for a week due to being less active. I hope you feel better soon. Get lots of rest that's the best thing you can do xx

Mummy1982 profile image
Mummy1982 in reply toCarleyjayne93

I found out from my Gp that I will be having a colonoscopy in next couple of weeks aswell so I will be able to let you know how that is aswell.x

Carleyjayne93 profile image
Carleyjayne93 in reply toMummy1982

Luckily I was under anesthetic when they did it all. Just woke up with dead heavy legs couldn't move for hour or so cos I'd been moved about soo much during op. Was weird waking up with no underwear on and a tube coming out of my stomach as well as seeing the scars. Yeh I'm finding it hard moving about especially standing up sitting down and in and out of the car. Have to do slow motion haha. I'm sure it will be fine if I rest im just very stubborn and get bored easily. I've already sorted out going back to work but just doing reception duty haha. Hope it goes well for you too be nice to stay in touch x

Mummy1982 profile image
Mummy1982 in reply toCarleyjayne93

Yes that's how I felt when I came round like it was all heavy. Yes i agree with the no underwear waking up with a pad shoved between you legs lol. What was the tube coming out you stomach for? Is that still there? Yes you will be moving slowly for a few days. You should be ok if you are just sitting at reception and not moving too much. Yes keep in touch x

Carleyjayne93 profile image
Carleyjayne93 in reply toMummy1982

No idea freaked me out so didn't want to investigate. Was just this blue tube coming from under the blanket haha can't remember it being removed must of conked back out again but I can't remember most things that I did or said when I cam round. My partner found it hilarious haha. Had a very restless sleepless night. Woke my self up in agony and tear must of moved and pulled at something. Very uncomfortable now been taking codeine and paracetamol and ibruprofen. Just can't get comfortable. Did find I could lie on my side for a bit with a pillow between my legs so my legs didn't twist or anything but again having a big pillow isn't comfortable haha. Just hoping I'll be soo tired tonight I'll sleep whether I'm comfortable or not x

Mummy1982 profile image
Mummy1982 in reply toCarleyjayne93

I have no idea what tube was only think I thought was maybe to let gas out? When I woke up i was stitched and glued. Yes it's very funny apparently after I came round I kept asking him if he had anything to eat as they had been delayed in theatre so I went down later and he hadn't had any lunch he said I asked him about 8 times what he had for lunch lol. Yes i think thats normal first few night I woke needing painkillers every four hour for pain killers. I think exhaustion takes over at some point and you will sleep. Did they give you any of the diclofenac suppositories they help me with the pain? Rest a such as you can bur just rake little walks while you are wake I think the more you can move the quicker you heal. But you are young so that's on your side 😊 xx

Carleyjayne93 profile image
Carleyjayne93 in reply toMummy1982

Yeh most probably was actually. Luckily not had any problem with being gassy. Just had bad shoulders for about and hour and get a stitch in my ribs every now an then. Main issue is my stomach a bit sore and I keep getting pins and needles through my legs and hands . Been walking around my flat for a bit but my partner being bossy and running round getting me whatever I need bless him. Wouldn't even let me make myself a drink in the middle of the night haha. Xx

Mummy1982 profile image
Mummy1982 in reply toCarleyjayne93

The pain in your shoulder will be free the gas that they couldn't get out the best thing for that is peppermint tea one of the other ladies told me that and it helped a lot. Not sure and about the pins and needles though. Bless him that's what other half was like i said to him in the End I have to move around a bit, I think it's hard them seeing you in pain though they don't know what to do? X

Carleyjayne93 profile image
Carleyjayne93 in reply toMummy1982

Yeh bless him I can't complain gets me out of housework lol. Yeh they gave me peppermint tea to bring home so will try some thank you x

Mummy1982 profile image
Mummy1982 in reply toCarleyjayne93

No not having to do housework is a bonus lol. Yes give it a go it helped me a lot. Get plenty of rest.x

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