Laparoscopy next week and very nervous!! - Endometriosis UK

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Laparoscopy next week and very nervous!!

myr21 profile image
6 Replies

Hi everyone, first time posting here but I've been following for a few months and have found it so helpful reading people's posts!

So after years of being dismissed by doctors i finally got referred to an amazing consultant in October 2021 and he couldn't believe I had been left for so long without any help and am booked in for my first laparoscopy next week!

I have had problems with my period since they started at 11 and was put on the pill at 12/13 to regulate it which was fine when I was on it but every time I came off it, it would go back to constant bleeding for weeks at a time! It wasn't until I was in my mid 20s that anytime I took a break from the pill I would have a couple of days every month of excruciating pain, not always at the time of my period but I knew it was period related as it only happened when I was off the pill!

I had numerous appointments and scans with gynaecologist's over the years who all just said either go back on the pill, stay off it and see if it solves itself or get the Mirena coil. I went off my pill again January last year to start trying for a baby and within a few months the pain was back but worse than ever and I ended up in hospital for a few days as they thought I had sepsis my inflammatory marker was sky high which is how I finally got referred to my consultant!

Turns out I have a very large endometrioma in one ovary and a small one in the other and also have "kissing ovaries" he could see on the ultrasound he done and he thinks my endo is very extensive and other organs like bladder and bowel are more than likely involved aswel with such a high inflammatory marker but will concentrate on my fertility in this first lap.

I'm so nervous about my lap next week and just thought it might help writing it all down and if any of you lovely ladies have any advice on how to prepare for it or for recovery I'd love to hear from you.

PS sorry for the very long post xx

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6 Replies
M1673402 profile image

Try to stay calm if you can, I HATE anything involving hospitals etc but have had surgery twice this year - it honestly is ok, you will get through it, I found it’s the build up beforehand and all the anxiety that makes things so much harder! Try and keep busy and take your mind off it before if at all possible. My one big tip would be to ask to record any conversations with the surgeon afterwards - it’s really hard to remember all the information! Good luck xx

myr21 profile image
myr21 in reply to M1673402

Thank you for your reply and the tip ❤️ yes trying to not think about it too's such a pity with covid we can't have someone in with us before and after for support 😪Hope your surgeries went well and gave you some relief! Did you have long of a recovery before you could go back to normal activities, work etc? xx

M1673402 profile image
M1673402 in reply to myr21

It is, but then sometimes I think when you’re on your own you just have to be strong and get on with it, I found when I was allowed my 20 min visit I was almost waiting for my husband to leave so I could rest again 🤣🙈 My first surgery was to remove gallbladder (endo related it seems) - recovery from it was awful BUT this time round honestly it’s been a breeze. Only had it done three weeks yesterday and I haven’t really had any bother thankfully, I’m going back to work but to be honest I could probably have went back after a week and that was really just due to tiredness, I had very little pain or side effects. My shoulder tip was sore immediately afterwards but the pain relief they give you is great and it went away after a day or two x

RedA28 profile image

Make sure you've got some comfy clothes to wear to hospital and for a few days when you get home - high waistbands are a must! I ended up buying some granny pants with v high waistband so it was up above my belly button and didn't rub on my stitches.

Put a pillow/cushion in the car for the journey home so that the seat belt doesn't rub.

Get some peppermint capsules and tea - these will help with the gas pain in the couple of days straight afterwards.

Drink LOTS of water in the first few days to avoid constipation!

I'd also say it is worth trying to get up and move around as much as you feel you can - in the first few days that might just be to put the kettle on or have a shuffle round the garden but I found movement really helped.

I was back at work after 12 days, despite a fairly long op and grade 4 endo dealt with - but everyone is different so take it at your own pace.

Hope it all goes well!

myr21 profile image
myr21 in reply to RedA28

Thank you so much for your tips and advice, having a pillow for the seatbelt on the journey home was one I wouldn't have thought of!That's brill you were back working after 12 days...hoping I won't be off too long but my job is quite physical so I'll just have to wait and see!

Feeling a bit more at ease hearing other people's experiences so thank you 🙂

RedA28 profile image
RedA28 in reply to myr21

No worries - I was exactly the same, really nervous as I had never had any type of op before but I too posted in here and got so much good advice!

Yes I'd say if your job is physical then it might take a bit longer - I have a very desk-based job and was working from home at the time! I think if my job was physical I might have needed another week or so, or a phased return.

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