I'm having my first lap this week to get rid of a chocolate cyst and whatever else they find. I'm anxious about the whole process as I've no idea what to expect on the day. Any tips for recovery?
First Lap this week...any advice? - Endometriosis UK
First Lap this week...any advice?

Hi Belfast1. I hope your op goes well. From having mine I've found a couple of things helpful. Take loose clothes, comfy kickers and sanctuary towels. Take something to read or do incase you have a lot of waiting around before. Take some bottled water for after and some peppermint Capsules. They inflate your tummy during the operation with air which can cause u discomfort and a nerve pain in your shoulder. I found they helped the wind discomfort. Take a pillow too to put a cross your tummy for the car journey in case you are sore. Helps take impact of the bumpy roads. If you are a sicky person with anesthetic, don't forget to ask for a anti sickness injection before and tablets to take home.
Once home relax. My first one I over did it and made myself quiet ill.
I hope it goes well x
Hi there, I had my first lap on Thursday and already feeling back to normal. Things to have when you get back home - peppermint tea to help release of gas, hot water bottles (mainly for soothing shoulder pain) and lots of TLC. I didn't feel like eating much so my mum got me some jellies and mousses to eat.
If you can try and have a shower when you feel ready, it made me feel so much better. My hubby stood outside the shower and passed me bottles as it's pretty difficult to bend down. Also even though you feel like sitting on the sofa 24/7 try and walk around a bit, it helps with the gas release! Good luck!
What hospital are you going to? I had my first lap on Thurs in the City. The nurses and theatre staff were amazing, really helped with my anxiety issues. I asked the anaesthesist to give me something for sickness and felt fine after. they were all really lovely
I had to go in the day before for bowel prep and got out on Saturday.
I found the gas pains the worst to deal with tbh. I took colpermin, windeze and peppermint tea bags with me and took them a lot!
I brought nightdresses a size bigger and pants a size bigger too but couldn't pull them Over my tum.
Sanitary pads too as I did bleed quite a bit after for a few days.
I had Netflix on my phone to occupy me as I'm too nosey to concentrate on a book or mag lol
my throat was very sore and dry after and I couldn't talk well, maybe some lozenges would be handy for that incase.
I had a catheter in for 24 hours which was a tad annoying but also good as I could drink lots and not have to move lol
HTH, good luck, I had myself worked up so much before and it's not as bad you think. xxx
Thanks for the info I'll get all the things you said, I'm going to the City too. Don't have to get bowel prep though as far as I know. It's all a bit overwhelming!
You'd be going in the night before in there if you'd bowel prep to do so don't worry about it
Honestly I am a huge stressball and once you're there it's not as bad as the waiting now. The staff are used to nerves and they really help calm you down.
Are you staying in overnight or home the same day? Xx
I think I will be in overnight, on my letter it says to bring an overnight bag and I have a 10am check in time so my surgery won't be until the afternoon. But I suppose it depends how things go.