Sever cramps after Mirena insertion... - Endometriosis UK

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Sever cramps after Mirena insertion...

Littlebelle26 profile image
12 Replies

Hi there. I'm recovering from my latest laparoscopy and after reading different blogs and listening to the advice of my consultant I've decided to try the Mirena coil in hope it will stop my Endometriosis from coming back so quickly. I can appreciate I'll be sore from surgery etc but should I be experiencing the cramps I'm experiencing? Pain killers and heat just aren't cutting it and I've been sick a couple of times due to the pain; is my body just getting used to this foreign object? Appreciate any advice on experience and tips on how to ease the pain :-) Lauren x

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Littlebelle26 profile image
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12 Replies
Lilykat197 profile image

Hi Lauren,

I am in the exact same situation, had my second lap on Monday and on recommendation from the consultant had the mirena inserted as well; today has to be one of the worst days I had with pain in ages, the pain radiates to my back and legs and the only thing helping is tramadol and even that is not taking the pain away it just takes a bit of the edge off!!! I am seeing the dr tomorrow to have my dressing changed, I will be asking for advise on it... Hope you feel better soon xxx

Littlebelle26 profile image

Me too! The pain in my back is just unreal :-( Tramadol; I'm willing to try anything at this point so I will definitely give it go - thank you! Sounds like a period of adjustment is what's needed, I just wish it wasn't an uncomfortable period. I hope you feel better and thank you for the advice :-) speedy recovery after your lap xxx

Agirl89 profile image

Hi, hope you are feeling a bit better. In my experience it took around 3 days for the pain level to decrease and around 7 days for the cramping to subside a bit... Good luck xx

Blondedia profile image

I had the mirena put in after my lap. Your body is in pain not just from the initial lap, but also from any work you had done, cutting, burning, pulling and the carbon dioxide gas they filled your insides with, during the lap, and this causes pain and bloating, so you could take weeks, months, even to heal. Also your body needs to get used to the mirena and the high doses of progesterone. It will get better. Just keep taking the meds and rest. Xx

Littlebelle26 profile image

Thank you ladies - I really appreciate the advice, I'm not worrying as much today

Littlebelle26 profile image

:-) xxx

Blondedia profile image

Also don't put heat on your stomach, you need anti inflammatory pills like ibuprofen, to bring down inflammation, When your body is inflamed for whatever reason, you need ice, cool patches etc, not heat, but obviously you won't want to do that, so take ibuprofen.

Littlebelle26 profile image

No I'm happy to give an ice pack a go if you think it would help; anything really as I'm just so surprised at how uncomfortable I feel. I'm taking plenty of ibuprofen and pain killers at night to help me sleep. How long have you had the Mirena for?

Lilykat197 profile image


Hope you are feeling better??

Thought I would update you from my previous post earlier, I had my appointment to get my dressing changed and the pain was so bad I collapsed in the treatment room, I was admitted to hospital and it turns out I have a perforated womb and internal bleeding!! I am not trying to scare you but if your pain gets unbearable please get it checked out, I thought I was being a whimp!!!! Really hope you are feeling better xxx

Littlebelle26 profile image

OMG :-( that sounds hideous!! I am so sorry to hear - are you still in hospital? I wish you better, how horrible for you :-( I'm still in pain, I feel silly for complaining knowing what you're going through. I am seeing my consultant tomorrow for a post op chat so I will mention and go from there but I will keep an eye. I hope you're okay xxx

Lilykat197 profile image


Yes still in hospital, looks like I will be here for a wee while :-(

Please don't feel silly for complaining, sure I felt the same thought I was being a drama queen!!!! make sure you discuss it over with your consultant, thank you for your best wishes I hope you feel better soon too xxxx

nayjay profile image

I would also suggest you keep an eye on your cramps, ,my post op and mirena pain was awful, but I just blamed the mirena but ended up in hospital because it was actually post op complications, so just be careful and get checked out if the pain is bad! Better to be safe :) and if it is caused by mirena they can re assure you or let you try diff painkillers! Just don't be too stubborn :) xx

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