My gynae finally pursuaded me to have the mirena and its finally going to be inserted this week and I'm ridiculously scared - I've had friends who've had it and none of them have had a good time with the insertion! I'm going to have local anaesthetic but I'm really worried about the cramping afterwards please does anyone have a positive story?! X
Positive mirena insertion stories needed...! - Endometriosis UK
Positive mirena insertion stories needed...!

I've had two fitted in the past. The fitting itself was uncomfortable and the next 2 or 3 days were uncomfortable. But honestly once it kicks in, it's worth it. I would have another one again. The first few days of discomfort is worth it all in the long run xx
Hi! I've also been offered one after my lap or while their doing it..but they didn't give me alot of info about it and I'm confused as hell as whether to have one or not! He said it helps people with endo! But tbh I haven't heard anything good about..only that it hurts having it put in! Hope you get along with yours x
Same, all the horror stories have put me off in the past but this is my last ditch treatment to avoid a lap! The lack of proper info doesn't help 'some women have no pain, some women have mild cramps, some women have severe cramps' so my minds assuming the worst. My gynae is going to do it in hospital with an anaesthetic to help with the initial pain and give me extra monitoring afterwards so I'm trying to be comforted by that x
I know I'm so confused on what to do..I don't want to keep trying different hormon treatments as I don't want to confuse my body anymore that it is..So I don't no! They've booked me in for a lap..I'm now nervous as hell..they said it I choose to have the coil they will put it in while I'm having the Lap! My cousin has the coil the 10 year one and said she gets on with it amazingly..but she hasn't got endo..I'm so confused I really don't know what to do!! X
I had it done today, it wasn't too bad in the end and the nurses I had were lovely! It hurt quite bad to begin with as they couldn't get the tube in so I had a local anaesthetic which wasn't too painful just uncomfortable then I didn't feel anything. I did also have 30/500 cocodamol, 400mg ibuprofen and some gas and air. Now cramps are pretty bad but not the worse I've had so managable (I think worse because I have adenomyosis) - I'm keeping up with the painkillers and got my tens on. If you're going to have a lap it's probably best to have it then- but don't be put off just having it done at a clinic. X
I know you've already had the mirena inserted but just to say I had my mirena for the full 5 years with no issues once it settled down.
Had some cramping pain for a while and bleeding for a few months but after that, no periods or pain for almost the whole 5 years. I also had it removed recently which was just a short sharp cramp and out!
I had mine fitted four days ago. It’s an uncomfortable procedure but it’s not unbearable, I would say it’s a bit like a prolonged smear. My Dr gave me a local anaesthetic which helped. The worst part (the coil going in) lasted less than a minute - honestly you can do this. I heard so many horror stories before hand and I felt so anxious but it wasn’t as awful as I thought. The cramps started around half hour of the fitting and they were similar to bad period cramps, if you’ve got experience of endo then you’ll cope. Just make sure you have some anti inflammatory medication and a hot water bottle (and a good series lined up for Netflix). Will be thinking of you xx
Hi I had the mirena coil fitted two weeks ago this Wednesday. The insertion went ok I didn’t need local, when the dr removed the speculum that’s when I had some pain and discomfort. I had mine fitted as I have endometriosis the type that can’t be burnt away. And my mum had it fitted when she had endometriosis and it helped her. I’ve been told it can help migraines too. I’ve been on and off suffering with period pain cramps but nothing pain relief and heat won’t ease (I’m currently experiencing it now). I’ve got my 6 week check mid November so I’m hoping it all settles by then. I am experiencing some slight bleeding nothing like a nothing period tho. Hope this helps xxx
I’ve got the mirena coil, the insertion was uncomfortable rather than painful. I didn’t have anaesthetic, I took paracetamol and ibuprofen about 30 minutes before I went to my appointment. The speculum gave me more discomfort than insertion but that was only because the dr pinched my skin 😩(the bitch) 😂
I got mild cramping for the following two days. That was probably the worst of it.
It sorted my periods out and helped with mood symptoms (not sure if you do but I suffer from severe pms and it’s really helped with that)
I’m waiting for my first laparoscopy and laparotomy and have asked that they fit one again during surgery as they’ll remove the one I have to operate.
I definitely thought it’d be 10X worse getting it fitted I was really anxious and quite reluctant to have it in the first place, but I’d tried so many other things with no luck and horrible side effects. Wish I’d tried it sooner to be honest.
You’ll be okay. And you can change your mind at any point.
I hope it goes well and it works for you. All the best xx