Hi everyone. Here's this week's update. It's going to be a little different from most updates, but you'll understand. Very interesting!
To start off with, I had to get a new replacement receiver for my G4 system (the cover and receiver itself was falling apart). They were both sent to me after my week on vacation to the beach/ocean.
When I had gotten the new receiver, I had to go to the shutdown tab on the old receiver and turn on the new receiver to enter the transmitter's ID number. This was easier said than done because I had to call Tech Support and have them help with getting the new receiver to 'talk' to the phone and transmitter. The Rep. for Tech Support was half right about what had to be done. Usually, you aren't suppose to stop and start the same sensor, BUT in this case, I had been told to do this. So, I did what was said and I did the calibrations as if it was a new sensor. That same sensor was okay. It had one more day before changing.
I changed the sensor that had been restarted and that new sensor lasted the entire week! I had used the sensor that was put in on August 23rd for my oral surgery from this Tuesday early morning In the hospital. The surgeon's team did a blood test and it matched up with the DEXCOM! They decided I would use my receiver during the surgery and it never failed!
This is the sensor that had just been removed this morning. I'm amazed how it didn't stop since I had to make sure the team never gave me Tylenol since the manual says never to use it and I was put under for the entire surgery. Tylenol can make the system not give correct numbers/results. I haven't used Tylenol now for 4-4.5 years since I've started using the system.
As for after the surgery, I've had some swelling and pain, but I'm using some medication. I was told to eat and drink clear liquids. I had some ice cups, clear liquid/sodas and some yogurts and drinks with protein for snacks/meals in the few days. I had two yogurts for breakfast today instead of hard boiled eggs since I can't chew much right now. For dinner last night, I had some soft food/hummus with nothing to chew and a yogurt on the side. That seemed to be okay.
Well, this is the news on my end for now. Might try to get a nap in soon. Hope you're enjoying your week and you enjoy the weekend ahead. It's Labor Day Weekend here.