Here's my update for how things went last week with the sensor.
Last week went really well. There was a little hiccup here and there, but the sensor lasted the entire time! I only feel that the sticky part that you have to go 3 times around to get it on the area needs to be sweat/heat proof since it started to try and come off from the area where I had it (the middle). Other than that, things seemed to go okay. The other thing was, by the time I had to get ready for the bed time hours, I kept having odd numbers on the receiver. I felt like I was doing tons of calibrations yesterday (even at work). Lucky me, the sensor didn't fail at work first thing yesterday since that was the second time calibrating the old sensor when I first got into my building. Not so good, but at least, I wasn't running low like the system thought before I did the calibration.
This morning, I did the new sensor and both calibrations. The new sensor is working pretty good so far. No complaints. Will have to see what happens during the next few days and until next Friday morning.
More to come soon. Stay tuned for more updates!