Been a while since i last posted folks so here's the score on the door .Well only one way to say it really , it has all gone very Pete Tong with my cancer treatment. The last course of chemo never touched the new tumour that has appeared on my liver . so all the treatment options we thought we would have , are now not a option anymore . The chemo was supposed to shrink / kill tumour but being a sneaky bloody disease it has in fact got bigger and is doing its very best to tuck me up .So I'm booked into the Royal Marsden in Chelsea on 30th this month for a liver resection . They're gonna have to cut it out while its basically alive and giving of loads of seedlings ,so 80% certainty its gonna spread elsewhere .There's me thinking well that's ok how bad can it get ? well depending on which direction tumour is growing I'm either gonna lose a slice or 50% of liver and get this to give me a Brucey bonus ive probably got something called Peritoneal disease . This is where any wandering cancerous cells in the abdominal cavity attach themselves to the peritoneum film and grow on that spreading it about.They can only tell how bad it is once they go in and if they find enough of that then its goodnight Eileen and hello to palliative care . This has been a bloody nightmare for me in so short a space of time . I only got diagnosed with the original Bowel cancer in September and in the space of 6 months I'm POSSIBLY looking at a terminal outcome . people say if your gonna get a cancer best its bowel because its so easy to treat and the survival rates are good . they are 63% go on to survive beyond the 5 yr target and 55% for 10yrs . The real pig of it is , not once have we been able to be proactive with this bugger its always been 1 step ahead of the game and reaction aint a good strategy , but there it is. Ill take and walk through whatever , this bugger throws at me , but blimey a little bit off good news wouldn't go amiss . I'm expecting to be in hospital for 2/3 weeks ,then a couple of months recovery and ill let you all know who's the hardest me or the devil when i get home
bye for now and don't forget do those stretches and warm up properly. cant wait to run again