Heavy rectal bleeding / with blood cl... - Colon Cancer Conn...

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Heavy rectal bleeding / with blood clots.

DJPSYN profile image
19 Replies

Good morning all, Im new here and figured I would take a shot and see if anyone had any thoughts, suggestions on which step I should take next or, Just don't worry about this at all!

I am a 37 year old male and my mothers side of the family does have a very long history of various different cancers: Kidney, Lung, throat, Brain etc.

For the almost last two years I have had off and on heavy bleeding and also large bloody like veins/clots are present in the bowl and toilet paper., regardless of diet changes or avoiding things like coffee, or spicy foods or alcohol it comes, and it goes. It would start, last for 1-4 weeks (varies) and the bleeding is always heavy. I have tried creams, sitz baths soaking, Miralax, Mineral oils and adding extra fiber to make the passing of stool "not so hard" but hard, soft, smooth there is always blood mixed in my stool/fills the bowl and then, will just one day stop for a few weeks before coming back.

Last august I went for a colonoscopy which came back clean and negative but was bleeding so much my hemoglobin levels went from 14.3 to 7.2. I got two hemorrhoid banding as they suggested it was that and yes the bleeding did ease some after this. I took iron pills and my levels after a few months returned to 13.7. My iron counts, Vitimin D counts, and b12 remain low (even after b12 pills and shots) and they noticed my Alkaline Phosphatase levels have increased above normal ranges.

I have had a sonogram to check for fatty liver/any other liver problems/other areas of my abdomen and all came back negative. I had an Endoscopy (last Tuesday waiting on results) but the DR didn't seem to express much concern.

Due to covid there was delay in getting these things moving forward but now that things in my area are moving forward I have been ushering on with more test: A new thing that has been happening aside the bleeding returning quite heavy over the last 2 weeks is I get a very bad cramp in my stomach, this has happened before but when this happens now I can barely move and am in intense pain, When I can finally move I run to the bathroom and blood pours out of me like a faucet open.

I have told my DR this but again he seems not to express to much concern: maybe waiting on Biospy results from Endo? Either way he did Recommend a CT scan which is now is saying "not needed" and also Recommended the Pill Endoscopy which he is also saying "not needed" These bleeding eposides are becoming more painful and, make me feel very tired, and weak but am getting no answers: Am I asking the wrong questions??? should I just go to an E.R? I'm concerned scared and I know my Dr is a good DR but he just kinda goes 'meh' about things im sure he has seen a dozen times before but I feel I am going no place.

Any thoughts or feed back would be very welcomed.

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DJPSYN profile image
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19 Replies
WthrMtsfan712 profile image

If your pain really is becoming unbearable, I would recommend going to the E.R. But, is there anyway you can keep me updated about your situation? The only reason why I ask is because some of your symptoms have matched mine to a tee and maybe whatever I'm dealing with is similar to what you're dealing with. Have you been tested for Crohn's disease yet?

Jazzy1990 profile image

You may have crohn’s but I would have thought they would have tested for that when they did the colonoscopy. What colour is the blood or blood clots ?

DJPSYN profile image

I will keep you updated best I can: They have checked me for celiac disease only at the moment but again am waiting for the results from Endoscopy: The colonoscopy as mentioned above was negative they checked a polyp but nothing came of it.

I have not been checked for Crohn's to my knowledge at least the DR has not mentioned it: He does state he strongly believes the issue is a bleeding hemorrhoid but I have now gone 5 days with constant blood.

The color of the blood appears to be not the brightest of red on the tissue but is not deep dark either. But because there is so much in the bowl it appears a deeper darker shade of red, The clots are a deep dark red in color, they are either small tiny pieces but in some cases larger bloody masses (biggest piece in bowl was almost 3 inches in size). in almost all cases they appear to be mixed/intertwined with my stool aside that which when i wipe is on the tissue. I would add a picture (graphic) but can't find how to do that here in the reply lol.

Jazzy1990 profile image
Jazzy1990 in reply toDJPSYN

That seems like a lot of blood. I’m glad they found nothing with the colonoscopy but it is not healthy for you to be losing so much blood.

Btw the blood may also look darker as it kind of mixes with the brown stool making it a darker shade, when it actually isn’t as dark.

Nicole_GCCA profile image

Dear DJPSYN, I'm sorry to hear what you are going through. If you are ever in such extreme pain, I agree with others that a trip to the E.R. may be warranted. The volume of blood sounds concerning - if I were going through that I might actually use a container to be able to tell/show the Dr. exactly how much blood loss you are talking about.

I am not a medical professional so hear this with that in mind, I have heard Doctors say that pain can be from your colon going into spasm. (Although I'm not sure what there is that can be done to prevent that).

Also keep in mind that if you do not feel your concerns are being met, you may want to seek out a second opinion.

Please keep us posted and I hope the pain subsides.

DJPSYN profile image

Thank you for the feed back: I did a collect attempt this morning after again another pain spasm feeling i had to go: While blood was still mixed in I as carefully as could without touching it removed the stool for this round and left the remaining blood to measure how much came out, after some very careful not trying to contaminant anything (with success!) i measured the lost of blood in Oz's.

While today was lighter then any day prior I bled about 1.66 oz of blood this morning (yes i removed the caps weight i was using for the scale) . at least about 1 and a half NyQuil medicine caps full so about 49 Milliliters I will report this to my Dr while also collecting more careful samples and measures. and the blood was dark and rich in color, not black but very deep red.

I will update on progress and if a second opinion is being sought after.

My thoughts are even if they are just hemorrhoids and not something within me and "not life, losing 49 ML per stool passing which when I have these bleeding fits is 3-6 times a day that's 294 ish ML of blood i am losing every time I sit down. that..seems like alot. i feel this should still be addressed? (numbers not extact could be a bit more or less)

DJPSYN profile image

Just because its an update: had another pain/movement blood was more incorporated into the stool was was almost slimy/clingy to it appeared like streaks but also seemed mixed in: what blood was gathered was another 0.80 OZ lost or 23 ML lost. so as of 7:12 a.m EST 2.46 OZ lost or again 72 ML lost.

This is not counting the blood/thicker slime/clot like blood I could not measure.

Also as for going to the ER this has been happening for a week, and, does happen for a week -4 weeks at a time and then stops. I understand this is not normal but an E.R run is counter productive to work because my job does not care and would never give me the time off I required. Although I am leaning that way either way because life > money at this point, I just wish there was a medical diagnosis that said : hey look you need hospital NOW.

Either case a hospital visit seems like a sure bet if my DR does not really give me insight or order other test after our conversation today/tomorrow. Something is being missed I feel, and even if I need a Hemorrhoidectomy -if it is indeed just hemorrhoids (which again not what i want!) i rather take it then keep bleeding out.

Jazzy1990 profile image
Jazzy1990 in reply toDJPSYN

I have read about cases where hemorrhoids have caused such severe blood loss, but something still needs to be done. I think another colonoscopy and if they still find nothing, something needs to be done about the hemorrhoids cause you honestly cannot be bleeding like this all the time.

DJPSYN profile image
DJPSYN in reply toJazzy1990

Thanks for the reply! After finally ruling out almost everything from my DR: cancer, Crohn's, diverticulitis and he mentioned another one he said it appears I have "mild" IBS that is why my stomach cramps up: Why when my stomach cramps up do I have a push/movement of blood he believes is just the IBS flare up then the hemorrhoid is bleeding so when I go, i see more blood because it was bleeding.

He did mention though the bleeding is not normal at all he said of course they can bleed but the amount of blood I lose at a week at a time when they bleed is FAR beyond normal: they are making my blood count/iron counts drop again to dangerous levels (A bit of background: when this started I was bleeding so much my hemoglobin went from 13.8 to 7.2 in 2 months: After banding it went back to 14.3 over time (took about 6 months? as i still had bouts of bleeding but covid happened and caused follow up delays) but recently has dropped back down to 12.9)

So all that said and done, the bleeding is slowing again but I can't go through another bout of this in 2-3 weeks he recommended I see the surgeon who did my banding and go for the 'bigger" surgery because when I bleed it is to much. So as terrified I am at this option I am making arrangements to see him and discuss.

DJPSYN profile image

To follow up: No results from Biopsy from endoscopy (a bit disappointed) his office said he would call me back and he did not. Did have another movement and this one was no stool just blood with some clots.

not counting 'clot like" substance measured around 4.1 OZ blood collected/lost from my body. bringing the total today up to 6.52 OZ of blood lost from first movement to current movement (as of 5:17 pm EST 7/9/20). I am going to insist on the pill camera when he calls as well unless he has formed a diagnoses.

DJPSYN profile image

So as mentioned above they ruled out pretty much everything and my next follow up is with a surgeon: I have met him before but its the same thing as last time. He is booked (i get it others need help) my bleeding has slowed (which is great!) by time I see him next week 7/15/20 I will have little to no bleeding, He will dismiss my WHOLE WEEK of bleeding issues because "its not happening now" and send me on my way: then it a week or two it will happen again, I'll try to book, he will be over booked, see him, little to no bleeding/dismissed.

I have taken photos and he shows little interest to look at him, he looks at it like a car: if you got a leak I can fix it but if its not leaking now, what can he do?

I can't force surgery as an option, But he also won't do anything unless the problem is happening when I am present: between work, his schedule, and all this I have better luck chasing down a ghost...

Any recommendations of what to tell my DR or how to approach him so he does not dismiss all this bleeding just because he can't see it?

WthrMtsfan712 profile image

Hey. I'm wondering if you've ever experienced more trouble farting since dealing with the hemorrhoids. Because that is one of my symptoms right now and why I am so concerned that I'm, unfortunately, possibly dealing with something very serious.

DJPSYN profile image

Hm thats a rough question I mean I guess? Passing of Gas does feel "tighter" and when it does pass its more like a "hard pass" like everything is tight/swollen so makes sense the gas is a bit harder to pass and almost feels like a snap/crack when it does pass. But it never hurts per say. My stools have been much thinner I noticed when I do go almost like a smooth pencil at times (well not as thin but, thin and smooth) again i take this as to there is alot of swelling back there so it can't pass as easy.

almost every time blood is streaked on it, and almost every time blood is mixed in it as well: i have never passed gas and blood spray out at least to my knowledge, although I have gotten off the bowl and blood as dripped/ran down my leg but VERY short lived and stops right away.

WthrMtsfan712 profile image

Thanks for letting me know about the farting. I am not experiencing heavy rectal bleeding right now, but I did last year for several months. Like I wrote, unfortunately, my most recent blood work is similar to yours as far as the anemia and vitamin levels are concerned and I'm still having issues farting. Unfortunately, I have had to deal with some wet farts, but things have gotten better in that regard since the heavy rectal bleeding stopped. Still, I just wonder if all these symptoms can really be caused by hemorrhoids or if I'm dealing with something far worse, which I now worry about everyday.

Nicole_GCCA profile image


Thanks for all the updates. This is unfortunatley a common issue that the surgeon wants to see you when you are experiencing an episode of bleeding, but you can't get an appointment. I recommend that when you experience bleeding you immediately contact the surgeon and continue to advocate for an appointment until they see you. It is no good for you to continue to bleed without an appointment and then finally when it stops, the doctor needs to see you when you are having an active bout of bleeding.

It may be that you need the more serious surgery. Perhaps it is worth meeting with that doctor in person to discuss what that surgery entails and also be an opportunity to reinforce that when/if you start bleeding again, how can you get in to see this doctor immediately? It could be that the Dr can flag your record that if you call with bleeding they'll make room for an appointment for you.

Please keep us updated. Hang in there.

DJPSYN profile image

Thank you for reply Nicole: I did what I could to push and rush the Appointment but sadly could not get them to budge: With Covid and everything me and my wife figured going to the E.R and possibly sitting for hours was not a good idea either. But If it got a point I was really bad or going to black out I will be sure to either go my self or call 911, As this has been an on/off issue for me, I clearly know its not healthy but it has not sent me to the ER yet but it does need to be corrected.

As of yesterday night still bleeding and when I went to the bathroom no stool came out just blood and large jelly/vein like clots - Most small but two where quite large. I took some pictures and i KNOW the dr like last time will refuse to look at them but I must insist he looks at them or show them to his nurse in office or request another surgeon/DR.

I am not against a surgery if needed: Terrified yes but I want to make sure that is the correct Diagnosis as well. I know they see the hemorrhoids, not doubting that, But when my gastro checked me out he said "no blood was present" as far as he could check: yet, when I go there is blood. He refuses the pill cam/CT scan siting "Im not the right age or race" for certain diseases and he believes its just not necessary at this point in time.

I feel like the hemorrhoids are a fire: They are a problem but right next door is a Gas station about to explode and everyone is ignoring it lol. From all my online research, what happens when I go, the pain I feel everything points to Diverticulitis but to test for that requires a CT scan or pill cam. I rather be on medication then have a surgery!

Any suggestions on how I can get the DR to look at my picture? Any questions I might be not asking right, Or comments I should make to have him go "hey maybe it is this" I know he is a surgeron I am not sure how much he can do or what test he could or would request but maybe between asking/saying the right things in not an angry manner but a firm educated he could call the Gastro and be like: hey look these test need to be done first..

Summerrain24 profile image
Summerrain24 in reply toDJPSYN

have you received and answers yet ?

Bjornfree profile image

I am looking for help with exactly the same situation!

Endoscopy and colonoscopy came out negative but this situation has been going on 3 years and no one has an inkling of what this is

Please keep posting any progress

nieldy profile image

Hi, I have read what you went through. Im so sorry to hear that, I would like to know like the rest here probably, Did you finally know the answer, was it just the hemorrhoids?

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