Rectal Bleeding Very Concerned - Colon Cancer Conn...

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Rectal Bleeding Very Concerned

Vesgesh profile image
8 Replies

hi everyone I’ve been experiencing rectal bleeding after passing stool (think 2-3 drops) once every month or two since September, at first I got told it was a fissure then hemrrhoids but I’ve been using suppositories, cream, Diosmin, but still happened today. I usually feel slight discomfort when it happens, and usually stool is pretty big and solid when it happens. This time I had taken 3 immodiums three days ago and the same situation in Dec.. I had a FIT done and it came back “satisfactory” but I’m very worried…waiting to see a GI specialist really fearing something serious as I’ve had 4 GPs in London that said either haemorrhoid or fissure and a Dr back home had a look and said no haemorrhoids could be a polyp..

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Vesgesh profile image

see attached image of stool

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GCCA-Survivor profile image

Hi Vesgesh,

Thank you for posting on Colon Cancer Connected. I hate to hear you're having to deal with these symptoms but I'm glad to see you're not ignoring them. Did the use of suppositories, cream, and Diosmin come from the advice of a physician? I also see you had a FIT test performed and it came back “satisfactory”. I would assume that means it was positive at a low count level. I would be surprised if it came back negative seeing you are visualizing the symptoms of having blood in the stool.

Did the four GP’s in London that said it was either hemorrhoids or a fissure determine that by an examination and the symptoms have just not gone away yet? That would be possible, then the next step would be to get a colonoscopy to determine why the bleeding has not stopped.

Now given all this information and what your doctor back home had to say, you should definitely be in line to get a colonoscopy. That's absolutely the best way to determine what's going on.

We do wish you all the best and getting answers. Please know that what you are experiencing could be caused by many different things and you just need to narrow down the options. Another thing to think about is if there is a history of certain disease within your family. I noticed you put down "bowel cancer" as one of your Related Tags here on HealthUnlocked. Anything hereditary going on? This would be good information to tell your doctor as well. It may help in determining what test to give you.

Please let us know what you find out. Is that type of information that could be helpful to others on this site.

Thank you,

~Tom, GCCA Survivor - Colon Cancer Connected Site Administrator.

Just a reminder - this group is here to offer support, share experiences, and offer our thoughts - but this is not medical advice, and you should always consult your medical professional(s). Additionally, for all emergencies, seek urgent medical care, never delay.

Vesgesh profile image
Vesgesh in reply to GCCA-Survivor

Hi Tom, thanks for your message. Yes I’ve been using all the medication as prescribed by a physician and it did work for a while, my symptoms went away for 3 months but then came back. Unfortunately I can’t see the actual value from the FIT test but I assumed the same very low levels hence why I was told no other test would be performed until I saw a specialist… Yes all the doctors I have seen performed a digital examination and I have had a fissure before back in 2018 that healed and hadn’t experienced anything until last Sept. I would need to go private for a colonoscopy most likely back home as I’m not a good candidate here in the UK apparently I just feel very dismissed by the medical staff I see. There’s no colorectal cancer in my family thus far otherwise. I just wish I knew what was going on cause now I’m just constantly worrying

Schnoodle2017 profile image

hi, yes. In the U.K. we don’t get a follow up if a qFIT comes back with anything lower than 10u/hg something. I had one test with reading of 7. I don’t know what the reasoning is behind a FIT being considered normal between 1-9. I think the test detect haemoglobin levels in stool?

I don’t know what NICEs reasons are for the positive results freehold. For me, I’m thinking about requesting another in two years. That’s what people aged 56 and over get without requesting. Mind you, that age for entry into two yearly free tests is meant to be lowered to 50 (my current age). Don’t know when that’ll happen.

Good luck to you. I finally had my abdominal ultrasound. May have to wait until after this bank holiday to get results.

Vesgesh profile image
Vesgesh in reply to Schnoodle2017

Ah I see, this makes sense as to why they’ve told me satisfactory not negative. I assume they allow some leeway in the presence of very low haemoglobin levels as it may be due to the presence of a more benign condition? Of course if the resources were in place this should be an available test to all age groups as it can discover a variety of gastrointestinal and colorectal problems. They do offer some private options of the test in case you needed to repeat it sooner, which is what I’m considering.

Schnoodle2017 profile image

ah yes, indeed. You can pay to have another test done. That’s an option I have if/when I feel that I need one. Younger age groups are more at risk of colon cancer than decades ago. I’d have hoped with what happened Deborah James and exposure she had with her cancer, that the FIT test would be given to ages 35 and over at the least.

Look after yourself. Keep an eye on things . That’s what I’m doing.

Vesgesh profile image

that’s what I’m planning to do, I’m 27 so they were very reluctant to even let me do the FIT test at all.. but yes and she even had to get a private colonoscopy to even discover her cancer, it’s just really frustrating. I’ll keep pushing until I know what’s going on, hope your ultrasounds give you some clarity and a speedy recovery.

Vesgesh profile image

Hi there, despite following all advice and treatments suggested by doctors I kept having rectal bleeding, possibly due to a chronic anal fissure according to the last GI specialist I saw, though the previous Dr’s concluded no fissure was present and one haemorrhoid that was very small..I have pushed to get a colonoscopy done privately in my country of origin (tomorrow) and currently prepping for that. I am worried about the procedure, both the outcome and any complications that may occur. Any advice or reassurance would be appreciated.

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