I'm in the UK. I started noticing bright red blood in the toilet late last summer and was told it was haemorrhoids. I had no issues with the yearly stool test, so I treated them at home. Then the pain started with passing hard stools that were too much to ignore, so I went to my GP, who found a lump just inside my back passage and referred me urgently to the Colorectal Team. The consultant seemed quite concerned, so a biopsy was ordered. This was performed on 31 January, and in the recovery room, the surgeon said it was cancer and was "big, hard and angry." He ordered a full body CT and pelvic MRI, which, by phoning the appointment booking team daily, I was able to get within a week. He said there would be two possibilities... "chemo & radiation or a "BIG" operation." He didn't give any more information.
Now comes the waiting. The MDT is supposed to meet on Mondays, so I hope my situation has been discussed. The pain is about a 6 out of 10 most of the time, with spikes to 8. I am taking Tramadol and Co-comadol and of course, have to take laxatives daily now. I've not been assigned an oncologist and have no idea what to expect going forward.
Can anyone clue me in on their experiences?