Good Morning
Just wondered if anyone else had received a very high FIT result. My daughter received hers yesterday it is is 1270 ug/g. Any advice would be really appreciated, we are currently waiting for the doctors to call with more information.
Good Morning
Just wondered if anyone else had received a very high FIT result. My daughter received hers yesterday it is is 1270 ug/g. Any advice would be really appreciated, we are currently waiting for the doctors to call with more information.
Hi Michelle19830,
Thanks for posting with us. With a result like that, you could request a second test as a comparison. It is high and it means there is blood present. However, this could be the result of many different things going on. Further tests and a possible colonoscopy could be ordered. One thing to focus on is symptoms are symptoms no matter your age. They need to be checked out. Never accept something couldn't be going on because of your daughter's age. Get it checked out. You need answers to narrow down the causes so you don't have to speculate.
Some of the things to think about is your family history. Is there a history of disease in the family? IBS? Your daughter is very young. That is a huge benefit. Catching anything early is key and exactly what you are doing. You are all over this.👍❤️
Please let us know what you find out as far as next steps. This type of information is beneficial to others on this site.
All the best in getting answers ...
My fit test came back high. Caused by a tear. Lots of other minor issues can cause high FIT results.
Good luck.
Have you gotten more information?
Hi. My daughter finally heard from the doctor and they have told her due to her age they are not concerned. They think its piles although my daughter has told them is it not and this has been going on since November 2024. They will not refer her. She is upset as she is bleeding every time she passes a stool and its not getting any lighter. Its all very frustrating.
No, No ... That's definitely not acceptable. Anytime there is blood in stool there needs to be an answer. Yes it could be many things causing it, but it needs a definitive answer. Not a guess or assumption. An assumption based on her age is unacceptable. That's why I mentioned above "Never accept something couldn't be going on because of your daughter's age. " This symptom is 3 months old now and continuing.
An exam needs to be done and then escalated if the reason for the symptom isn't apparent. What was the consultation or exam content?
Is there a family history going on?
I know I have asked for another doctor. They haven’t even examined her to confirm she has piles or even a tear. She went in with bleeding and told just to do a stool sample nothing else. My daughter asked to be referred as she just wants to know where the blood is from and the doctor told her it will probably be refused as she is only 19. The doctor said she wasn’t worried and to do another sample in 2 weeks. Is this normal?
No family history and yes it may not be anything serious but we still need some answers and this doctor does not seem interested at all 😡
maybe there is something here ...
Also, I even hate to have to say this or go this route ... I've gotten this advice from others that have a govt. health system and get put into a category like age and tests aren't ordered ... you may have to throw in a symptom like lower right abdominal pain🤔
No way is that normal. Sample in 2 weeks? Your daughter is seeing this continuously. "she is bleeding every time she passes a stool and its not getting any lighter"
Yes, get the 2nd opinion. I'm glad you and your daughter are after answers. You have to be your own advocate. It could be a lot of different things but you need to know. Being young is a huge advantage and catching things early no matter what it is is extremely beneficial. We just keep hearing about early onset this, and early onset that in the disease world. Screening and prevention so it doesn't become a fight. Exactly what you are trying to do.
Not that this is what's going on, but efforts to be taken seriously and getting the tests to get answers to your symptoms ...
Maybe they have a way to help you navigate the NHS?🤔
What are the symptoms of bowel cancer?
Bowel cancer can affect anyone, whatever your age, gender, ethnicity or where you live.
Symptoms can include:
1. bleeding from your bottom
2. blood in your poo
3. a change in your pooing habits. You might be going more or less often, or have diarrhoea or constipation that might come and go
4. losing weight but you’re not sure why
5. feeling very tired all the time but you’re not sure why
6. a pain or lump in your tummy
Having these symptoms doesn’t always mean you have bowel cancer, but it’s still important to find out what’s causing them.
Yes I had a very high fit result of 400 I was told there was a very high likelihood of colorectal cancer! I had my colonscopy and it was a "tear" causing the blood. I'm now more relaxed about further testing but I'm 65 and have other health conditions. Good luck to your daughter
In addition to the link shared by GCCA-Survivor , there is also this link which summarises FIT tests throughout UK via screening or symptomatic pathways
Getting a second GP opinion sounds like a good idea, especially if the decision to wait is based on age and not recommended pathways.
I’m in the UK and had a high FIT result (400) without visible bleeding. I’m 47 and had the test done because of abdominal pain and feeling full when I eat. I have a family history of ulcerated colitis so they thought I may have that. It was a 3cm adenoma which was removed end of last year, it had no worrying changes so I just need a site check in a few months.
It is great that your daughter is sharing this with you so you can support, I wish you both all the best as you get to an answer.