Posts - Cholesterol Support | HealthUnlocked

Cholesterol Support

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All posts for March 2013

Asprin lowering cholesterol

Hi I have high cholesterol and I take a statin which puts it around 5 Howeveri h...
42Lilac profile image

What is a average BP reading?

Hidden profile image

daft question..... Cholesterol..... does the body only produce bad or good Cholesterol?

Hi, i was wandering what sort of cholesterol the body produces. As i had a tho...
foxyrobyn profile image
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Last test results were total C 4.5.hdl1.3.ldl 0.7 triglyceride 1.2.I assumed the last three readings would add up to the total of 4.5. ??

stopgo profile image

I am interested in buying a cholesterol monitor & would appreciate any feed back on brands, ease of use etc.

sweeney99 profile image

High Cholesterol

I am fairly fit! Always watched my diet as I have dairy intolerances, so am care...
Trina58 profile image

Results after angiogram and visit to lipid consultant

Following my recent angiogram, I have now received my results. Total Choleste...

A year ago my cholesterol was 5.1 - in the last 5 months I've exercised loads and lost over a stone. Now my cholestrol is 7.2! Any ideas?

Steve1964 profile image

BP just read at 216/164. seriously worried.......

Im 45 yo female.Never had BP like this before.Am seriously worried about my heal...
Tilly001 profile image

Maybe this article may help someone? Sure has helped me!

What Really Causes Heart Disease? by Dr. Dwight Lundell, MD ...
Tedd profile image

low blood pressure problems.

i have low blood pressure average about 110 to 115 over 60 to 70. and my consult...
sindy profile image


How many people out there have no problems with statins what- so-ever? No pain...

i have just been diagnosed with high blood pressure my reading was 149 over 87 is this dangerous'

brooky profile image

been suffering from irregular heartbeats now on and of for about 2 years recently had angiogram all good after stent in 14 months ago.

anyone out there had any problems with this?
sindy profile image

After having a heart attack August 2012,I had 2 stents fitted in one artery but I still have angina pain. Why is this?

college-queen profile image

Newly diagnosed with High cholesterol, need information please

I have been recently diagnosed with high cholesterol last week, the NHS doctor g...
dave6991 profile image


How long have you had your stents fitted please....???? curious

Lipoprotein (a) - what does this mean?

Hello all, After a visit to my G.P. today for a routine matter I was given a co...
maisie_dazy profile image

Abnormal ECG to Normal ECG?

I've been having Heart Palpitations for about 2 Weeks Now. I had an ECG at A&E o...
lb76696 profile image

statins and bisoprolol

I had my aortic vale replaced 3 years ago, and was put on bisoprolol 1.25mg dail...
usher profile image