I just wanted to share my recent experience, in case it helps someone looking for information in future. I was diagnosed with DCIS (a very early stage breast cancer) in October. I had a lumpectomy at the end of October, and have had radiotherapy this month. Today is session 14 of 15 so I'm done tomorrow!
The kicker for me is that I spent most of last year focusing on health and fitness, because I turned 40 in March and thought it was about time to take it seriously. I'd been exercising every day, including 5 runs a week. At every stage of my health journey I was desperate to know if I could keep running or when I could get back to it. It turns out (I learned after surgery) a "brisk walk" doesn't cut it for me in terms of the mental health benefits of exercise. Too much time to think, unlike running where I'm focused more on my body. I'm more of a persistent runner than a natural runner, so I never thought I would get to a point where I was pestering doctors to let me run!
I wasn't sure how I would manage running during radiotherapy, so decided to wait and see. The advice from my medical team was that it was fine as long as I felt up to it in terms of skin irritation and fatigue. And I'm proud to say I've kept up with my normal running schedule so far. Including, yesterday, my first ever organised 10K, with Runthrough at Crystal Palace. And tomorrow marks a full year of exercising every day, even (gently) after surgery and biopsies!
I'm posting this because when you're looking online for how other people have coped with running through health challenges, it's much easier to find negative stories than positive ones. Next up for me in my treatment is Tamoxifen, and again I don't know how I'll cope or if I'll be able to keep running (joint pain in particular is a worrying side effect). But I'll stick to my schedule as long as I'm able to.