So half term has come to an end with a Sunday morning slog through woodland - including a long drawn out incline. Wasn't feeling very positive during the run but I did finally get a cold bright autumnal morning run and Strava tells me that I completed the route faster than last time including the uphill section - so I really can't complain.
Half term has also seen a nice long run and a couple of 5ks - one a PB, but despite this I have to confess to being a bit apprehensive about the 8 week term ahead and what it might do to my running routines. I completed C25K in Autumn last year but spring and summer running have taught me I'm definitely a fair weather runner. But I remain determined as running is the thing that keeps me sane when the world seems overwhelming.
The anniversary of my graduation from C25K is coming up and next week I'll pass the 500k annual target I set when I joined Strava at the end of Feb - all reasons to keep on running (despite the dark mornings and evenings ๐) so I'm planning on keeping it simple aiming on getting out 3x weekly and trying to improve on my current 5k time by Christmas.
I'm telling you all this because I know I can rely on you lovely folk to make sure I keep going.
Happy running everyone.