Anyone else been suffering with cold etc, I had a runny nose last week that turned into a husky voice and cough now with bunged up nose, I can feel my sinuses are tender to touch but me being me worry and think its something awful, but its just a cold right???
Worrying: Anyone else been suffering with... - Anxiety Support
I bet it's just a cold. take some panadol and relax. All thye best. xx
That sounds just like a bad cold...plenty of rest..some painkillers and lots of fluids and just let it run it's course. You'll be fine x
Yeah I'm a complete worrier and think worst of everything, I stupidly googled it and come up with hoarse voice throat cancer or head cancer etc great aye my own stupid fault for using google xx
Hi love i am same as you at mo terrible cold if you read my bloggs i have a terrible cough really snotty nose excuse that and heavy head feeling washed out with it keep taking paracetomol every 4 hours love it will help and a nice cup of tea it does make your anxiety worse and i keep feeling dizzy with mine but try and relax hun xxxx
Loads of horrible colds going round. My wife was really bad with it for almost three weeks. She lost her voice completely for over a week.
Go to Boots, I had sinusitus after a bad cold, lasted nearly 2 months...not much can be done for it expet pain relief, but reaassurance is good to have. Get well soon