Ive been feeling very weird for the past hour, worrying bout my family and friends everyone around me is getting sick with throwing up and stomach problems, and I'm still obsessing over this article I saw on Facebook about radiation coming too the west coast of the USA and I'm freaking out about it and now I'm thinking everything I eat is contaminated and is gonna end killing me in the long run and my mom and GF is trying too talk too me about how I need too stop focusing on the world and just focus on me its just a scary thought dieing from this or maybe I'm thinking too much into it idk I just need too get past this this cause if its not this then its gonna be something else I hate my anxiety so much right now...
racing thoughts and worrying...: Ive been... - Anxiety Support
racing thoughts and worrying...
Your mum and GF are right, you should be trying to focus on yourself a lot more I know its hard but the only way you will get over your fears is by concentrating on you. I know radiation is a scary thing but I think the media would have been on to it if there were any truth in the rumour not to mention your president. Try and calm down.
Best wishes Kenny
Thank you Kenny I'm trying too just let these thoughts leave me head but I'm getting obsessed over it and it's making me feel a lot worst I hate it :/

dameinlee i totaly understand were your coming from coz im the same but try to distract ur mind by doinf something u enjoy are negitive thought can overwelm us and i know its hard but u can do it coz i belive in u u will b ok hope iv helped😊
Have you tried to find out if there are any self help groups in your area, you may find it helps if there are others nearby that share your fears it really does help to talk about it.
I've read about this radiation in the west coast and although they have found traces of it, it is lower than what you would get naturally in nature anyway by way of X-Rays, and eating potassium rich foods which have naturally occurring radioactive isotopes.
I think you are getting yourself worked up into a frenzy over nothing. I know it is easy for me to say bit your body is probably more at harm sitting in traffic breathing in car fumes which I bet you do everyday without even worrying about it.
Try and not stress
thank you ashley for your support, I've just been having these weird symptoms lately and I'm freaking out about them and a bunch of people on Facebook are posting so much about this fukishima radiation stuff :/ I'm so scared about the whole thing...
It's not problem at all.
Listen I read some amount of bull on Facebook and I used to believe it until I started reading into things myself and found out more or less everything you see on Facebook is fake. Trust me about the radiation. If I seriously thought you was in any danger I wouldn't lie to you on here.
Try and find someone to talk to and it will make you feel better I'm sure of it.
This is your health anxiety giving you these thoughts & I know it is not easy but if you read the facts what Ashley has written in her reply they are very true
Think you said you are going to see a therapist ?
Was it the 3rd , which would be this Monday , I am sure this will be a big help when you do
yes i got my therapist appointment on the 3rd, hopefully everything gets better, thank you so much for replying and talking too me appreciate it very much.
Oh that is Monday then
Let us know how it goes
I will im kinda scared too tell them what I'm really thinking like they will think I'm crazy or something haha
No try not to be afraid
You must tell them everything & they wont think you are crazy believe me they will have heard it all before but if you don't tell them exactly how it is they cant give you the best help & support so it is important to let them know