Nervous itchy rash: Im sitting here with... - Anxiety Support

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Nervous itchy rash

13 Replies

Im sitting here with sudocrem all over me, my dr prescribed anti biotic tablets and gave me peroxide cream, which i think wont work and i hate taking tablets, When will my nervous itchy rash go? Its all over my chest, back and stomach and spreading up my neck and top of my arms. Should i take the anti biotics, they're for a month, im so uncomfortable. :(

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13 Replies
hollow profile image

Hi Linny, if you've been prescribed them then gotta be worth a try eh?

Hi Linny

Love the smell of sudocrem , not that will help

I dont like taking antibiotics either , but when needs must we have to :-(

About to start a cholesterol tablet , really not looking forward to that one , but its going to have to be taken

No doubt I will be in a panic , next week when I start them & i think I will be taking them for a long time !

I dont like to see any one suffer , but its such a relief to come across so many people that dont like taking tablets , I dont feel so different any more

whywhy x

hollow profile image
hollow in reply to

Hi why, have you tried lowering your cholesterol naturally?

in reply to hollow

Hollow . i have sent a reply , its on here 2 down , I keep forgetting to press reply , i just answer , then realise lol still new to this site & a slow starter , but I will get there

whywhy x

Yeah i have a phobia about taking tablets iv not taken before, i was absolutely petrified taking my fluoxetine in October, but i really had to do something about my anxiety/nervousness/panic. Anyway, i bit the bullet and went for it, and it looks like im going to have to do the same with these anti biotics, the peroxide cream can stay on the shelf, i think my skin is too sensitive for it and i dont want anything on me that burn lol, omg im such a wimp hahaha, i used to have panic attacks taking a paracetamol lol what are we like eh, silly nervous illness x

yes hollow , that is the best bit , my diet wasnt that bad in the first place , but we did come up with me & the GP that I may need to up more on the good things & so i did , force feeding myself at times lol as such as porridge & fish are not my favourites , but i stuck to everything good & when I went back , it had only gone up !!!! not even stopped the same , gone up !!! I couldnt believe it ! think that is why she wants me on tablets

Any other ideas though & I am open to suggestions ?

Yes I do smoke , but at the moment that would be to much for me to stop , but as my husband has stopped is some thing I will be looking into , when I feel ready , other than that bad habbit though thats about it :-(

I am dreading going on these tablets though

whywhy x

ellabella profile image

Hi Why, just want to encourage you with the smoking thing. I had very high cholesterol and tryed for 12 months eating "healthy" and like you it made no difference at all!! really annoying!. Then purely unrelated, I had to stop smoking as it was smoke versus eat and heat. I have NEVER begrudged anything as much in my life lol!! but I had no choice and am too proud to sit in the dark and starve. I stopped over a year ago and recently had some routine blood tests and the cholesterol was bloody normal!! I was amazed! So it worked! just a thought ;) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

in reply to ellabella

I no ella , it is bad for you smoking & I feel so guilty every one I smoke , i have health anxiety along with other things , & how you can have healthanxiety yet smoke I dont no ! but i flippin do

Its a strange thing this cholesteril & please dont think I am making excuses here , but I no people , that , dont smoke , excercise , eat healthy , exact weight & they still have it !

It does run in my family , I am not saying that stopping smoking wont help , as not just with this but in general , it will help & i am getting to the stage where i am thinking about stopping more & more , so fingers crossed I will get there

At the moment though taking age & everything else into account , I do need to be on these tablets for now , just need to start them !

I do remember though & again , dont see this as an excuse anyone , but once when I was in the hospital , & was wanting to get out (as I dont like hospitals ) I get high blood pressure , well with me been worked up that wasnt helping , but they couldnt let me out till they got a good reading , in the end a nurse said , "do you smoke " I said yes she said "go & have one & come back " so I did , went back , she took it & it had gone down enough to discharge me , now I am not even saying the nurse should have let me do that , but all I no it worked to get me out of there lol

Even so ...once i feel ready , it is something I am going to be looking at , mean while I need to get round to taking these tablets !!!! already think i have every side effect without taking as much as one of them !

whywhy x

Sorry linny , I seem to have invaded your post here , so back to you

How are you today , is the rash feeling any better & how are you feeling on the antibiotics , hope you are a little better :-)

whywhy x

ellabella profile image

Yes Linny sorry bout that hun :) how are you doing love? :) . Why why don't be bothered about smoking as you will know when the time is right for you love :) xxxxx

in reply to ellabella

Thanks ella

I no , wish the time was right though it does play on my mind , health & all the extra money i could have !

Linny how is your rash today ?

whywhy x

i took one of the anti biotics this morning and all iv done is sleep all day, just had my tea and i feel sick, my OH and daughter told me they ave been on them anti biotics and they made them ill too. Yuk i only have to take one a day but i dont like feeling sick

Hi linny

I find when I take antibiotics , i feel alot worse before I feel better , ususally this is once I have finished the course !

They can make you feel sick , but see how it goes as this does wear of after a while for me , & even though your daughter wasnt well , it doesnt mean you wont adjust to them

If you really feel you cant cope with them , see GP as i no you would anyway , there are lots of different antibiotics , she could give you

I do feel for you though as they make me feel awful , but after when they have got rid of what ever i have had , i am so pleased i stuck with them :-)

whywhy x

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