Well everyone I go for a endoscopy next week on the 21st. I was upset when the doctor said I would have to have it done. I had pushed it to the back of my mind after that because well,I felt I had quiet a bit of time before it as to be done. Sadly the time snuck up on me very quickly, now I'm getting really nervous and upset. I've had many surgeries in my life which I never liked being put to sleep but still, I've never been this way about it. I guess it could have something to do with that when I had other procedures,I didn't have anxiety and panic attack disorder. Plus back then I wasn't having something go down my throat. I pray everything goes well because, I know there could always be complications. I so want more time with my family and I want to be able to eat,breathe and live like I use to. My kids asked me " mama your going to be your old self again right,your going o be okay right?" It hurt to only be able to say "if god sees fit then yes", and my husband well I should be use to him worrying because he does every time I had surgeries but he's trying to be tough for me. No one has to comment on this if you don't want to,I'm not really sure why I'm even writing. I guess I'm writing this because im,well lack of another word,scared. Plus I don't have anyone to talk to except my husband and children so I guess I just needed to pour out my emotion. My mind is in two different places, one part is like" cry it out girl" the other part is like" get over it, throw your hands up and don't care". I just don't know anymore.
Nervous: Well everyone I go for a endoscopy... - Anxiety Support

I’ve had many endoscopes. They are a piece of cake and they give you a piece of mind knowing there is nothing wrong. If there is a problem, you can get it taken care of. Good luck and God bless.
Hi , I’ve had two endoscopys , it’s fine although not pleasant, it will reassure you. It is perfectly natural to feel nervous and worried , Also it’s a procedure carried out all the time by professionals.
Best of luck.
Hi 1973m, what do you mean unpleasant? The doctor said I would be put to sleep.
Sorry .. I was awake, but not fully aware ! my throat was numbed .. maybe because you’re so anxious they’ve decided to put you under for a short while, or different hospitals do it differently..
obviously if your asleep you’ll know nothing and it should all be fine , all the best.
Hi Hateanxiety,
I had my 2nd endoscopy the other week and I was very anxious about it. As I was having another procedure done at the same time I couldn't be fully put to sleep but they gave me the throat spray and a bit of anaesthetic and the whole thing was much better. You should be able to say to them at the time whether you want spray/sleep/combination before having anything done. Hope everything goes well.
I had an endoscopy in January this year and I was scared just like you.
While in the waiting room I could see every single person was nervous too, we were all in and out of the loo!
Anyhow, I had a throat spray which felt a bit stingy, didn't hurt, then I was given a sedation, I do not remember the scope, let alone feeling or knowing anything was going down my throat, I just remember waking up in a different you and a nurse offering me a cup of tea.
Please don't be scared you will be ok! xx
Thank you funkyfaerie,I'm scared because first the obvious,I'm having this thing go down my throat. Second,I have anxiety and panic disorder which was doing a lot better until this and then the nurse told me in not getting gereral anesthesia but will have a twilight sleep. My stupid butt did not know what that meant so I looked it up, I read I would be some what conscious enough to follow doctors orders. That has me terrified because I know that if I know what is going on I will get all worked up during the procedure