How to convert negative anxious thoughts t... - Anxiety Support

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How to convert negative anxious thoughts to positive ones

GrayEm profile image
18 Replies

Can anyone share how to convert negative thoughts to positive ones. I find this really hard, especially as the anxiety has caused depression as well.

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GrayEm profile image
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18 Replies

Hi. Again, Gray. This really follows on from your previous question. Trying to be positive in nervous illness is darn nigh impossible and uses an enormous amount of energy. When you were well did you keep thinking, "I must have positive thoughts"?. Of course not. You went about your business doing what came naturally to you; just getting on with your life. It is only since you have anxiety that the idea of positive thoughts has come into your mind. I advocate a far better method that will PREVENT negative thoughts from gaining a hold and that is to ACCEPT the negative thoughts FOR THE MOMENT. Do not fight them or try to make them positive. They will come naturally but this process cannot be hurried. Go with the thoughts there. Thoughts will not harm you if you see them for what they are; the products of a tired anxious mind. The depression (depletion) will also pass as you come out of the anxiety. And you WILL, believe me. Give TOTAL acceptance a try, it does work. Kind regards. jonathan.

GrayEm profile image
GrayEm in reply to

I suppose my problem, is that before I get a chance to "accept" the darn thing, it has brought on anxiety sensations.

GrayEm profile image

I have been trying this approach, and I guess it may work a bit. The only problem is that my anxieties have grown, so that I am having anxious thoughts throughout the whole day.

GrayEm profile image

Linked to this is this problem. I usually like to unwind by watching things with the kids. However I now often find that something I watch triggers off anxiety. So when I start to watch things I am kind of waiting for the anxiety to start. I would be interested to know how others deal with this.

in reply to GrayEm

Hello there, try this! When you're watching that program that you know is going to bring IT on, tell yourself ok maybe it will come just like last time and it didn't harm me then and it won't now!!! And look how happy my children are with daddy sitting here so happy with them. This is the life eh I'm so happy today!

I've had this horrid illness a while (not as long as many) and it is hard to think positive sometimes but it does take time perfect it but it does work also letting those s**t thoughts come and pass straight through really works.... E.g something really bad is going to happen to me, I'm going to die, mmmm yes well this thought started ten mins ago and nothing has changed. Now what's on tv. Lol maybe not best example right now but I'm having a bit of a moment so I'm taking my mind off it on her lol well trying to.

All the best

GrayEm profile image
GrayEm in reply to

Last night I sat down and watched ps12 with my son. I managed to relax and even ended up having a good old belly laugh over something. I found deep breathing whilst watching helped a lot. So theres some good news.

GrayEm profile image

Perhaps another way of wording my question, is does anyone have tips on how I can keep concentrating on what I am doing (e.g. watching TV) without negative thoughts / anxiety coming along.

Hi. Again. You are ANTICIPATING. A cause of a lot of frustration and anxiety. You can bet your life that if you anticipate "IT" "IT" will surely come. By anticipation you are inviting it in like a welcome visitor. I am going to suggest something that goes against your natural instinct of wanting to FIGHT this 'thing'. Don't fight it; go with it. Watch TV but don't keep looking over your shoulder waiting for "IT" to appear. ACCEPT it as part of your thinking at the moment. It will not always be there but you will not hasten its departure by tring to get rid of it. OK, so your thoughts are negative. Its not so awful when you realise that you can think no other way in your present state. Positive thoughts will come again and you may not recognise them as such because they will appear as normal thoughts. Your negative thoughts worry you because they ARE negative. Do you see what I mean? Sorry if this sounds a bit complicated. It isn't really. It just boils down to TOTAL acceptance however hard it may seem. Give it a go. Best wishes. jonathan.

stde profile image

I suffered severe anx/dep and searched for a "cure" . In my case when I was well enough and stopped searching and accepting, peace of mind came...old story....When you chase butterflies you may never catch one....But when you sit still in the garden the chances are they will eventually come and land on you.....

What worked for me., as i have mentioned in other posts, is just to view them as a visitor, they will come stay a while and leave, and the less attention you give to them the quicker they will begin to depart. Remember they are not part of the true were not born like this.....wish you well on your journey....Remember they are only visitors.

miarose profile image

hi jonathan,I always read your posts,are you completely cured from anxiety,you sound so positive,and if you don't mind me asking ,are you on medication.sorry if I come accross as being nosy,but i'm not,I know you understand the torture most of us posting here go through every day,and every bit of advice helps..god bless x

in reply to miarose

Hi. mia. Sorry not to have come back sooner, got caught up in the Christmas nonsense and ran out of time!! I don't like the word 'cured'. I prefer 'recovered' for this reason. Nervous illness can recur; we call it a 'setback' but if you have recovered by using a method that suited you then you will know your way out of any 'setback'. It is not so frightening as it sounds because, as you continue to recover, you fear setbacks less and less. No, I am not completely 'cured' as you put it but my life is so much better (I hate the word, normal, what does it mean?). Coming to this site rounded off my recovery because it restored my faith in human nature. The people here are full of courage and understanding even in the midst of suffering. I am off medication now but took Diazepam for a while, plus Sertraline. Meds do help and I always advocate them to help over a bad patch. So do herbal remedies but it does depend on the depth of suffering. You are not being nosey. We are all nosey in a way but how else can we understand. Thanks for the post and I wish you as happy a Christmas as possible. Love. jonathan.

miarose profile image

hi Jonathan,thank you for replying,I envy anyone who can take meds,I can.t tolerate them,Ihave looked up natural remedies,but they are so confusing, I don't know what to take.the only med i am on is xanax,but sometimes its not enough to completely relax me,I also take rescue remedy,had great day yesterday,but very down 2day,with light head all day,hence,i'm sitting here at three in the morning....god I wish they would come up with a cure for this anxiety..Happy xmas to you too Jonathan .nearly a new year,and hopefully a new start.xx

kieran12 profile image

Use the rewind technique , its an NLP method, also used by paul mckenna the hypnotist to combat phobias and bad learned experinces that form the foundation of some of our anxiety problems.

jennyjolly profile image

Sorry about the ocd posting


Didn't think it had taken

Such a great informative article.

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