i feel neevous scared not eating my food at all suiside thoughts now atop its like images like jumping off something mean while i never thought this way i been good all this just started its annoyinng and worrying me im depressed aswell i cry and cry its not a good feeling i have . hopefully this is not everyday lately i been waking up to it for three days stright ugh.
Negative thoughts dont stop...: i feel... - Anxiety Support
Negative thoughts dont stop...

Johnnie, I can't give up on you. But you need to move forward in getting help.
Something is stopping you I feel, more than fear in seeking out the help you need.
Providing you haven't taken anything over the counter, alcohol or a prescribed drug more recently in the last 3 days, I would think this is coming from a chemical imbalance in your brain. When depression is not addressed at the beginning, it can lead to severe depression allowing for these symptoms to surface.
Only a professional can help you through this. Please, I beg of you to go to the ER, tell them what you are going through. I know there is an answer for this but don't allow to go on any longer. You are suffering needlessly. I want you to be safe and so do the others on the forum, but we can only do so much from a distance. I'm worried about you, Agora x
would it really help?
Johnnie, You've known me for a long time. I wouldn't steer you wrong. I care about each and every person I respond to. I don't claim to have all the answers but I do know in this case, going to the ER would help you right now.
I consider myself a very strong person but there are times like now, that tears are rolling down my cheeks because I want to help you, I want to keep you safe from harm and I want more than ever for you to feel like the person you were meant to be.
As a favor to yourself my friend, please take that step out of your comfort zone and reach for the help you so deserve. x
thanks i guess i will my mind is not right at the moment cant even eat
Thank you Johnnie for at least considering it. Keeping you in my thoughts
Let us know how you make out later.
would the ER Help Me?
Johnnie I will be right there with you. You won't be alone.
The forum is behind you. We will see you through this.
you think i will be get better have you been through this before
I have been through this before. I have been hospitalized before and it was the best thing I could do for myself at that time. I was lost Johnnie. I couldn't get better and it was tearing me apart. Having time to work on yourself with help all around you 24/7 can be the best therapy ever.
But I'm not saying that the ER would admit you. That is strictly up to your doctor and therapist. Do not be afraid.. I too cried every single day. The crying coming from deep inside. I was scared like you, but I got the professional help I needed and the rest is history. Here I am trying to help you now. Passing it forward.
you from new york ? im from new york Nd this feeling feels awful its like trying to drive me crazy ugh .
I wish I were Johnnie so I could physically help you and support you. I am from Chicago. We are both from big cities. Help is available but we have to be willing to take that first step forward. It's a difficult one I agree but necessary.
so hou went through what im
going through right now ?
I went through the intense fear, heart palps, shaking, sweating, thinking the doctors missed something. I will say that I have NEVER had suicidal tendencies.
That is what prompts me to have you get immediate help because of the thoughts you are having.
im strong im fighting this nomore crying ama get big on this not gonna let it get to me and yeah if so i will soon go to the docter
Let me know should you decide and I will follow along with you every step of the way vitually. Take care Johnnie
yeahh so when you got better was by taking meds ?
Actually I got off my meds and started using meditation, deep breathing and self hypnosis. All can be found on You Tube which I use daily.
But first things first, you need to address what's going on with you now.
so its good to start off with meds then get off them ?
We all need medication at some time in order to stop the cycle of fear and it's symptoms. Now is your time. You are long over due in starting medication. I remember you telling me a year ago that they wanted you on something.
Get your vitamin d levels checked..I’ve been going through pretty tough time with bad thoughts that I don’t know where they came from and anxiety etc and turns out I’m deficient in vitamin d..takes awhile to cure but there is a light at end of tunnel and you’ll feel more like yourself again..just be patient..we are here for you if you need to talk
I have been there too and they helped me xx
Bring your phone with u to the e.r. so we can be with u
Warmest hugs
Johnnie, please, PLEASE follow the suggestions made by Agora, and do so ASAP. xx
what should i really doo?
Do exactly what Agora said. Drive or call a car service and go straight to the emergency room. Tell them exactly what you have written in your post here. They will help you and they will not make fun of you or put you down in any way. xx
have you ever exprince anything like this?
Johnnie you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by going to the hospital.
i wanna know if ill get better again though
You haven't and will not get better without professional help. Your getting worse. It's not gonna go away unless you get help. How long has it been? A year and a half? And your not getting better. please go get help. You will recover from this.
If you don't get help you won't ever feel like tour self again
Please go to the ER and tell them how you are feeling. You need help Johnnie. They can help you
have you experinced this before ?or went through the samething ?
I have anxiety but I have never had bad depression or suicidal thoughts.
ohh okayy i never had it eather till now ughh
When you start getting to where you can't get out of bed, can't take care of yourself, can't eat... and thinking weird thoughts, it's time to do something about it.
Life is beautiful. I want you to be able to enjoy your life again with no anxiety and no depression. But you have to get help, if you go at it alone... the anxiety and depression will keep knocking you down again. Trust me.
Getting help doesn't mean your a weak person, it means your a strong person ready to live life again.
I went to group therapy for awhile and it was so awesome. I found out there are so many people in my hometown struggling just like me and I'm not alone. They even have some awesome ocean sounds playing 😉 it's pretty relaxing
You should look in to that. I want to you to feel better!
so you think i should take meds though for the begining ? im just afraid and worried and nervous and depresss i havent ate all day today because of my nausous stomach
Do you have any pepto bismul? The pink liquid? It would probably help your nausea a lot.
I Wish you could go to your ER, they could give you medication to help you relax and calm down.
If you don't want to go tonight, then call your doctor in the morning and explain how your feeling.
He will probably suggest taking your medication
You will start feeling like yourself when you get help.
Are you going to the ER?

Hi Johnnie. This is your lucky day. It’s time for you to get to a hospital or your local doctor or even ask for help from your local constable. We are all with you and look forward to hearing from you again after you get some care
Johnnie I am thankful for this group and the support they lend when we are in need. I will be praying for you as you take this step to get the help you need. The Lord Jesus loves you! He wants you in good health. He is with you through your darkest time. He is able and will be with you through your healing process. Be well!

thank you so much.
Johnnie...I have been reading your post and wanted to tell u I am experiencing the same negative thoughts as yourself for a good while now...especially in the morning when I wake up...I know how awful it feels to be walking around like that....Do u have Ocd at all? Just that it can give u very intrusive thoughts that wont stop....Did u have the treadmill test ? Hope everything went ok for u...Youre not alone with this remember that...
i dont know if i have that and i still havent went for the test yet i feel awful this morning with this negative thoghts and very nervous heart beating fast and nausous feeling in the stomach.
Can I ask u ..Are u scared Johnnie to go on medication? I have been on different medications for anxiety/depression....some people worry about the side effects but if any their usually mild and can take up to 6weeks to feel a difference from the meds...Have u ever been on any meds? I know its awful...I have the same struggle...I have just eaten but feel sick...
yes i im and im afriad i never experinced this feeling i feel like im going crazy and its hard to hold it inside when im not feeling well i woke up horrible trying to hold it in
Hey Johnnie...Sorry I couldn't get back to u...having problems with my family...How are u doing today? Johnnie trust me...I am going through the exact same experience and I know how frightening it feels just now...Do u live with your parents? If so..Do they know how bad youre feeling? The brain can become obsessive with negative thoughts when we are experiencing very high anxiety and the more the thoughts frighten u...the more thoughts we get....It can also be Ocd Johnnie....I have Ocd and my thoughts every morning are giving me panic attacks...Have u seen your Dr yet ? He/she would know if its Ocd.....
its okay yeah what type of experince your having and no i havent and are you taking meds ?
Hi Johnnie....Hope I find u a bit better today...What happened to me was I had experienced a severe panic attack at night and woke up trembling and my heart racing....but that then triggered a whole lot of negative scary thoughts that I couldn't control ....and ever since I have woke up in the mornings with really bad thoughts and I get frightened by them .....Does all the thoughts frighten u and make u panic? Remember Johnnie.....Their only thoughts...I know they seem very real ....What more concerns me is u have said youre feeling suicidal.....If u really are thinking of harming yourself....u really need to talk to someone....I'm not on any meds ....I have been suffering through this too....I'm not suicidal though Johnnie...I know its really high anxiety levels that are causing intrusive thoughts...so I know I need to distract my overthinking brain with something I enjoy and it gives it a break....I see someone already asked if u have a hobby? You said u cant do anything because of the thoughts......let me tell u .....you really need to try and do something else....I just sat around the house doing nothing but think and I felt I was going insane....you need to break that pattern and do anything....walk and listen to music .....drawing.....reading on a favourite subject anything to break the cycle of thoughts....I'm here anytime just keep safe and let me know how u are ok?
yeah im not thinking abour hurting myself is just images and begative thinking im not gonna do it but its just keep popping up in my brain everyday i wake up in the morning till the whole day only at night i feel better and just go to sleep is just everyday waking up i have those thoughts
Good to hear...it wont last forever...I had a previous episode years ago but it went away eventually.....took a good while though....Is there any reason this happened? Its usually after a stressful event..Can u think of anything that happened around the time the negative thoughts started? Its exactly the same for me....first thing in the morning....I can also sleep but dread the mornings....Do u have any relaxation cds u can put on in the morning? or try going on youtube there are loads of relaxation videos that might help.....
the negative thoughts just started out of no where i dont know why out of no where about a week ago i feel down because its been happening barely eat like that because of it
Hi....Yeah I get quite low wondering why its happened and when will it stop...I understand its a horrible feeling walking around like that and u see people enjoying themselves and u wonder whats wrong with u....its common to not want to eat as much or feel sickly when eating but as long as you are still eating....different if youre not eating at all...Would u ever try the anti depressants? They might help Johnnie....Are u still going out ?
im a bit nervous to take it because i think they might make me worst because i heard stories about it and i go out but forcefully .
I was really nervous taking them but I made things worse by reading the leaflet that comes with them.....most of the side effects never happen...Ive only experienced a dry mouth..had to drink a lot of water.....and I did get a bit of sweating on a couple of them but that was all.....Are u feeling panicky when u go to leave your flat/house? Do try to go out Johnnie even if the thoughts are negative....I listened to my negative thoughts years ago when I had a bad episode and I ended up not going out for a few years.....it only makes things worse to stay at home.....If u take the meds just start off on a low dosage...your Dr will listen if u tell him youre scared of the side effects.....
Johnnie1234 if you already feel this bad, what have you got to lose by trying to get some help? Believe me I understand how you feel but there are professionals that are here specifically to help someone that is feeling like you are. I would much rather be in a hospital or an ER trying to get help than at home feeling like you do. I sincerely feel like it would give you hope!! Please Just reach out and ask for help. Please also keep us posted as to how you are doing.

Ok have you felt like i did ? do you know what im
talking about ? i feel so wiref even my hesd feels funny and vision unreal dream like and negative thoughts bad
Yes I have panic attacks and generalized anxiety and depression. It runs in my family. My mother was getting really sick with depression one time and she asked us to lock her in her room because she felt like she couldn’t trust herself. I immediately took her to a doctor. Within 2 weeks she was my normal mom again laughing and eating and enjoying her life again. You are worth it. You are worth asking for help. You deserve to be taken care of. You’ve been through enough suffering.

what did they do give her meds ? and where are you from im from New York ?
They started her on an anti depressant and let her go home . I am from Texas. It’s so hot here it is hard to even walk outside!!

where in new york im here now its hot by the way im only 21 aswell ugh and im going through this