Woke up thinking negative i dont know why its still on my mind and it wont leave i even get the neevous feeling in my stomach and my heart starts racing really fast i never had the negative thoughts now it hit me like three days ago i was ok with the sympthoms now it just the thinking about mad stuff and thats not me i never think that way its just really wired and getting me worried saying to myself im probably going crazy i dont want nobody else to think im crazy you know .
Waking up with negative thoughts again. - Anxiety Support
Waking up with negative thoughts again.
Again your not going crazy Johnnie. It’s the Anxi That’s crazy!
You need to understand this so much! It’s not you thinking crazy thoughts. It’s the Anxiety my lovely! Your brain is working over time through the anxiety and once if passes as it will you will feel better. Have you spoken to your mum or GP yet?
Have a read on Paul David. Intrusive thoughts blog on his website. He can explain it so well. The website is. AnxietyNoMore. Type it in and read. 🌷
yeah im trying to
relax and whag is it called ?
Please have a read of his site. I’m sure you will get a better understanding to why your feeling this way.
Let us know 😊
where do i put that on google or youtube ?
Hey 👋 I know exactly how you feel. Theres days where everything just feels blah, and you wake up with all these negative thoughts and thinking. It’s crazy, not literally but you know what I mean. It’s like we gotta work through it. Try as much as possible to keep occupied, that way your mind is busy. It’s not you thinking it’s the anxiety. You’ll be fine I promise.